





ABSTRACT:The current rapid development of computer information technology, computer systems and information technology is in progress, if you use a computer to manage student information, not only can improve the efficiency of management of student information, and can improve the security of information management. However, there are still some domestic colleges and universities still use the traditional paper records and information management students, so high cost, low efficiency, already cannot satisfy the requirements of the new era. With the development of computer technology, traditional manual records will be phased out and will be replaced by more efficient and efficient computer management systems.

In order to make it easier for colleges and universities to manage students' information and improve the efficiency of students' information management, this paper designs a student information management system. The system starting from the actual situation of the school, combining the characteristics of students information, in view of the student management, teacher management, course management, performance management module, design the query, add, delete, modify, and other functions, can these information for scientific management.

Using ASP.NET technology, this system USES the B/S architecture to use SQL Server 2008 as a database. Each functional module in the system is designed to be very human, depending on the user role and the different operating privileges. Because of the strong database support, the security of the information is ensured while the user operates. Through the design of this system, the management of student information will become more scientific and efficient and safe and convenient.

Key words: Student information management;ASP.NET Technology;B/S Architecture


第一章绪论 1

1.1课题背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究内容和意义 1

1.4本文结构 1

第二章相关技术介绍 3

2.1ASP.NET简介 3

2.2SQLServer数据库简介 3

2.3B/S架构简介 3

2.4管理系统简介 4

第三章需求分析 5

3.1可行性分析 5

3.2系统需求分析 5

第四章系统设计 8

4.1总体框架设计 8

4.2详细功能设计 8

4.3数据库设计 12

第五章系统实现 18

5.1登录模块 18

5.2学生管理模块 18

5.3课程管理模块 19

5.4成绩管理模块 20

5.5选课管理模块 21

结束语 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24


