ABSTRACT:With the development of computer networks, people's lives and development has become increasingly inseparable from the computer, in order to people can more convenient and quick communication, in recent years a series of social-based chat software such as QQ, WeChat, microblogging, YY But also to have a good development, has become part of people's online life, in order to explore the mechanism of chat software and more personalized use of chat software, combined with the knowledge of C # programming, the use of Microsoft's SQL SERVER database , This graduation to write a similar QQ basic chat function to achieve personalized chat system.
In general, the chat software needs to rely on the network, in addition to a very small number of chat software using data point to point transmission, data transmission through the network, the information may be caught, even after encryption, information may also capture and decrypt steal, To the network security incidents frequently, always for some reason to cause their own information disclosure, for which we will design this set of chat system, because the server set up in the LAN, and the World Wide Web is "hard isolation", so as long as the protection of the database The security of the chat data can guarantee the security.
Keywords :Client/Server;C# Winform ;SQL SERVER 2016 ; Vistual Studio2015; TCP/IP
第一章绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2课题现状 1
1.3课题意义 2
第二章技术及工具介绍 3
2.1相关技术说明 3
2.1.1C#的特点 3
2.1.2ASP.NET技术的特点 3
2.1.3SQLSERVER数据库技术 3
2.2工具 3
2.2.1Windows服务器 3
2.2.2VisualStudio开发工具 3
第三章系统需求分析 5
3.1系统可行性分析 5
3.1.1经济可行性分析 5
3.1.2技术可行性分析 5
3.2系统业务需求 5
3.3系统功能需求添加好友 5
3.3.1添加好友 5
3.3.2发送消息 6
3.3.3删除好友 6
3.3.4修改个人资料 6
3.3.5个人安全设置 6
3.3.6查看系统通知 6
3.3.7设置好友显示方式 6
3.3.8更新好友列表 6
3.3.9用户基本信息一览表 6
3.4系统用例图 6
3.5非功能性的需求 7
3.6其他需求 7
第四章系统设计 8
4.1模块层次图 8
4.2数据库设计 8
4.2.1用户信息管理 8
4.2.2好友关系管理 10
4.2.3好友请求验证管理 10
4.2.4血型管理 10
4.2.5消息类型管理 10
4.2.6星座管理 11
4.2.7聊天消息管理 11
4.3功能模块设计 12
4.3.1用户登录模块 12
4.3.2添加好友以及聊天功能 13
第五章系统实现 15
5.1用户注册模块 15
5.2用户登录模块 15
5.3添加好友模块 16
5.4用户聊天模块 17