

摘要: 因互联网技术之飞速发展,世界既入信息时代,信息渐渐成为重要之资源。同时,人们亦愈来愈依赖手机,因为这给予人们许多方便。手机付钱以代现钞,qq微信以代短信。两者相比,犹如驽马比麒麟寒鸦比凤凰。此技术不但对社会产生重大影响,而且使我们的观念和生活方式发生巨变。



关键词: 信息时代;流量大富翁活动;JSP;java;Oracle数据库

Shanghai mobile flow activity

Abstract: Because of the rapid development of Internet technology, the world has entered the information times, and information has gradually become an important resource. At the same time, people are more and more dependent on mobile phones, because this gives people a lot of convenience. Mobile phones pay for cash instead of QQ and We Chat for text messages. Like the horse than the unicorn and the crow than the phoenix. This technology not only has a significant impact on society, but also makes great changes in our concepts and lifestyles.

This message concerns with the most important activities in Shanghai mobile activities to be completed by Shanghai mobile. This activity stimulates the interest of customer through interactive games, promotes the growth of customer DOU, and synchronously promotes the viscosity and scale of palms. This uses JSP to develop front page, java to develop the background, and Oracle database as a tool for development.

This message focuses on the ideas, designs methods of various functional modules and systems, and introduces the outline design of the flow of activity, the status of research at home and abroad, demand analysis, detailed design and system functions.

Keywords: Information times; mobile flow activity; JSP; Java; zOracle database


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的目的和意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.4 可行性分析 2

1.5 开发工具概述 2

2 分析 5

2.1 需求分析 5

2.2 需求分解,介绍以及实现 5

2.3 所用算法简介 5

3 设计 10

3.1 总体设计 10

3.2 网站流程图 11

3.3 网站数据模型 13

3.4 信息的加密与解密 13

4 结论 25

4.1 活动流程 25

4.2 测试与调试 25

致谢 28

参考文献 29

附录 30

1 绪论


1.1 研究背景

