关键词: Android架构; Java语法; SQLite3数据库。
Design and Development of Word Memorization System Based on Android Platform
Abstract:This project is mainly about the development of a simple Android project with the knowledge of Android application development class, Java grammar ,Database of SQLite3 principle and application. Subject to the Android project to achieve the following functions: 1. The basic function of memorizing words, (2) memory loop, 3. The word editing function of import and export, 4. The use of the convenient interface, 5.Design other functions yourself. In order to achieve the Android project, you must do a understand the Android application framework layer, guarantee in the use of the development of the design of the Java language know source storage location, layout file, controller, activities such as file location. For the SQLite database, the SQLite3 small relational database engine database is also used to get an Excel table schema dictionary file from the Internet and import it into the database by command. This Android project can be implemented in the majority of installed users, and the convenient user interface has been able to guarantee the use of any time anywhere.
Keywords: Android framework; Java grammar ;Database of SQLite3 .
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 ii
1.绪论 1
1.1 背景与意义 1
1.2 JAVA 、SQLITE3数据库 1
2.可行性研究与需求分析 3
2.1 可行性分析 3
2.1.1 技术可行性 3
2.1.2 项目软件使用可行性 3
2.1.3 社会可行性 3
2.2 需求分析 4
3.系统简介与流程图 5
3.1系统简介 5
3.1.1 开发工具介绍与安装 5
3.1.2 框架简介 8
3.2 系统工作流程图 9
3.3 系统功能模块 10
4.数据库的设计与实现 11
4.1 数据库介绍 11
4.2 概念设计 13
5.系统的实现以及代码介绍 15
5.1 布局框架技术简介 15
5.2 控制层介绍 16
5.2.1 布局控制器 16
5.2.2 控制层功能的实现 18
5.2.3 数据访问层 19
5.3针对选择背诵自定义数量的单词模块的介绍 21
5.4循环记忆模块介绍 23
5.5主页面最后一个功能控件突出应用按钮的功能实现 25
5.6 背诵单词界面与添加单词功能界面 26
6.系统测试 36
6.1 测试方式 36
6.2测试方法与结果 36
7. 总结 38
致谢 39
参考文献 40