Abstract:The increase of college students has brought great pressure to the school logistics management. The dormitory management work is an important part of the school affairs management. How to ensure the dormitory management work is the key to improve the efficiency of the logistics department.
Dormitory management system is an effective means to solve these problems. Dormitory management system core function package rights management, personnel management, transaction management and record printing.
This paper uses the MVC three-tier application development framework, using the Java programming language, using MYSQL as a database, using Eclipse development tools, under the guidance of software engineering theory, this paper completed the dormitory management system needs analysis, the overall design, detailed design and development work, and finally tested. System to achieve the user information, transaction information for the entry and finishing, the record of the query to modify the print and other functions.
Test results show that the system can support different types of user management operations, versatility, the implementation of high efficiency, the operation is difficult, can be cross-platform for students and administrators to provide a continuous improvement of the effective platform, with great application promote value.
Keywords: C/S design pattern, B/S design pattern, management system
第一章绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究目的和意义 2
1.4文章结构安排 3
第二章系统开发相关技术 4
2.1Tomcat简介 4
2.2Servlet简介 4
2.3Mysql简介 4
2.4JavaBean简介 4
2.5MVC模式 5
2.6本章小结 5
第三章系统需求分析 6
3.1需求背景分析 6
3.2非功能性需求 6
3.3功能性需求 7
3.4可行性分析 8
3.4.1需求调研方法的可行性分析 8
3.4.2经济可行性分析 8
3.5系统用例分析 8
3.6本章小结 9
第四章系统总体设计 10
4.1系统设计原则 10
4.2系统架构 10
4.3主要功能模块 11
4.4核心流程设计 12
4.4.1登录流程 12
4.4.2添加记录流程 12
4.4.3删除记录流程 13
4.4.4修改记录流程 14
4.5本章小结 15
第五章系统详细设计 16
5.1数据库的设计 16
5.1.1数据库建模 16
5.1.2数据库详细设计 16
5.2核心模块设计 20
5.2.1系统管理员模块 20
5.2.2宿舍管理员模块 21
5.2.3学生模块 22
5.3本章小结 22
第六章系统的实现 23
6.1开发平台 23
6.2系统主要功能模块实现 23
6.2.1登录模块 23
6.2.2系统管理员模块 24
6.2.3宿舍管理员模块 32
6.2.4学生模块 36
6.3本章小结 38
第七章系统测试 39