本工程位于上海的华康公司办公楼空调系统冷热源设计,该建筑共三层,总建筑面积约为 2521m²。一层主要为控制室、会议室、空调机房、新风机房、办公室以及服务大厅,二层主要为办公室和
Cold and Heat Source Design Huakang Company Office Building
Abstract : The project is located in Shanghai, designed for the cold and heat source of the air conditioning system of the office building of the Hua Kang company. The building consists of three layers. One is the control room, the conference room, the air conditioning room, the new wind machine room, the office and the service hall. The two floors are mainly the office and conference room and the new wind machine room. The function of the three storey is similar to the two storey, and the ceiling is in the ceiling. It is mainly used for placing the cooling tower and water tank. The main design of the cold and heat source includes load calculation, comparison of cold and heat source schemes, design of cold and heat source equipment, smoke prevention and exhaust design of engine room, etc. The cold source is the cold water chiller, the heat source is the hot water boiler, the cold and heat source water system all adopts the different range two control. On the problem of exhaust smoke, the equipment is pided into two smoke exhaust areas, each area has a tuyere used for exhaust smoke.
Keywords: load calculation; heat source; smoke control
1 绪论 1
2 概况 3
2.1 题目来源 3
2.2 工程概况 3
2.3 设计依据 3
2.4 主要气象参数 3
3 负荷计算 5
3.1 华康公司办公楼的空调负荷的特点 5
3.2 负荷计算 5
4 冷热源方案的确定 14
4.1 冷热源方案选择依据 14
4.1.1 冷热源类型 14
4.1.2 各种冷热源优缺点 14
5 冷热源设备的选择 21
5.1 冷水机组方案的确定 21
5.1.1 冷水机组 21
5.1.2 冷水机组的方案比较 21
5.2 冷水机组的设备选择 22
5.3 冷却塔的选择 23
5.4 冷冻水泵的选择 23
5.5 冷却水泵的选择 24
5.6 膨胀水箱的选择 25
5.7 冷冻冷却水管尺寸的确定 25
6 热源设备的选择 26
6.1 锅炉方案的确定 26
6.2 锅炉的选型 26
6.3 锅炉循环水泵的选型 27
6.4 换热器选择 27
6.5 补水水泵的选型 28
6.6 软水器的选择 28
6.7 软化水箱的选择 29
7 设备、管道的防腐和保温 30
8 设备的隔振与降噪 31
9 地下室防、排烟设计 32
9.1 防烟的重要性 32
9.2 排烟量、排烟管径确定 32
9.3 防排烟风机选型 33
10 冷热源机房布置 34
1 绪论