摘要:本设计为许昌大正云锦温泉度假村风味餐厅建筑,为集大厅,包厢, 食堂操作间于一体的建筑结构。该建筑耐火等级为二级,耐久年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为7度。在建筑设计部分要求毕业生能根据设计任务书的要求,综合考虑场地环境、使用功能、结构造型、施工、建筑艺术等问题。着重解决建筑物内部各种使用功能和使用空间的合理安排,对餐厅的包厢、楼梯、大厅、卫生间等进行全面的考虑,统筹规划,以达到优化布置。在卫生间、包厢等的空间布置时,要充分考虑使用的便利性,让建筑的实用性达到最大程度的表达,在安全方面,需要依据《建筑设计防火规范》合理设计消防楼梯,保证人群在紧急情况下能尽快疏散。在结构设计部分要求毕业生通过电算和手算掌握结构选型和结构布置的原则、方法,荷载计算和荷载组合方法,结构在竖向荷载和水平荷载下内力分析分析方法,上部结构和地基基础的承载力及变形设计方法,框架结构的主要构造要求,绘制结构施工图。
关键词: 风味餐厅;建筑设计;结构设计;盈建科
Architectural and Structural design of Xuchang Dazheng Yunjin Hot Spring Resort Restaurant
Abstract:This design is the restaurant building of huchang dazheng yunjin hot spring resort, which is a building structure integrating hall, box and canteen operation room. The fire resistance of the building is grade 2, the durability is 50 years, and the seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees. In the part of architectural design, graduates are required to comprehensively consider the site environment, use function, structural modeling, construction and architectural art according to the requirements of the design letter. Building interior to solve all sorts of use functions and the use of the reasonable arrangement of space, to the dining room balcony, stair, hall, toilet, etc. A comprehensive consideration, overall planning, in order to achieve optimum arrangement. Decorate in the space of the bathroom, balcony and so on, to fully consider the use of convenience, let the practicability of construction to achieve maximum expression, in terms of safety, need according to the code for fire protection design of buildings fire stairs, reasonable design can ensure the crowd in an emergency evacuation as soon as possible. In structure design through computer and partly for the graduates by hand grasp the structure selection and structure arrangement principles, methods, load calculation and load combination method, structure under vertical load and horizontal load internal force analysis method, the upper structure and foundation bearing capacity and deformation of the design method of frame structure of the main structural requirements, draw the structure construction drawing.
Key words: Resort Restaurant; Architectural Design; Structural Design; YJK
1 建筑方案设计 1
1.1 设计依据 1
1.2 工程概况 1
1.3 建筑设计 2
2 结构方案设计 5
2.1 结构设计说明及设计资料 5
2.2 结构选型与布置 5
2.3 荷载计算 6
3 楼板计算 11
3.1 楼板选型 11
3.2 楼板计算方法的确定 11
3.3 楼板计算 12
4 楼梯计算部分 16
4.1 设计资料 16
4.2 梯段板设计 17
4.3 平台板设计 18
4.4 平台梁设计及计算 18
5 基础设计计算 20
5.1 基础设计步骤 20
5.2 计算依据的规范和规程 20
5.3 几何数据示意图 21
5.4计算 22
6 一榀框架计算 23
6.1 设计资料 23
6.2 结构布置和计算简图 24
6.3 荷载计算 26
6.4 内力计算 28
6.5 内力组合 32
6.6 截面设计 37
7 整体结构的设计 40
7.1 设计参数 40
7.2 结构基本信息 47
7.3 周期、振型 53
7.4 楼层风荷载、地震作用统计结果 60