

接要: 近几年,计算机技术、互联网技术得到了快速发展,相关应用也日益普及,已经给广大消费者提供了广泛、方便、快捷的图书信息服务。现在网上书店被广泛的应用,已经可以完美实现传统书店的各种功能,利用网上书店图书检索功能完成传统书店的图书查找,利用网上书店的订单系统和网上支付系统完成了传统书店的线下交易,并且大幅度的提高效率,研究开发网上儿童书店具有重要的现实意义。本系统尝试运用MVC+Struts2架构构建网上儿童书店,以MySQL为数据库开发平台,以Tomcat作为应用服务器,以Eclipse为开发工具,采用HTML、javascript,CSS设计前台页面。本系统主要设计了前台部分,它包括用户注册登陆注销、商品展示、商品下单结算、用户订单管理、用户个人信息修改。

关键词: 数据库;网上书店;Java;MySQL;Tomcat;HTML

The design and development of the online bookstore system for children

Abstract:  In recent years, computer technology and Internet technology have developed rapidly, and the related applications are becoming more and more popular. It has provided extensive, convenient and fast books and information services for the vast number of consumers. Now the online bookstore is widely used, it can realize the functions of the traditional bookstore perfectly, use the book search function of the online bookstore to complete the book search of the traditional bookstore, use the order system of the online bookstore and the online payment system to complete the offline transaction of the traditional bookstore, and improve the efficiency of the study. The development of online children's bookstore has important practical significance. This system tries to use MVC+Struts2 architecture to build online children's bookstore, taking MySQL as the database development platform, using Tomcat as the application server, using Eclipse as the development tool, using HTML, JavaScript and CSS to design the front page. The system mainly designs the front desk, which includes the registration and logout of the user, the display of goods, the single settlement of the commodity, the management of the user order and the modification of the personal information of the user.

Keywords: data base;  Online bookstore; Java; My SQL; Tomcat; HTML


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iii

1 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 课题背景及现状 1

1.2.1 电子商务发展的现状 2

1.2.2 电子商务的主要分类 2

1.2.3 电子商务应用意义 3

1.3 网上书店系体现状分析 4

1.3.1 网上书店发展现状 4

1.3.2 网上书店系统的意义 4

1.3.3 现在网上书店存在的问题 5

2 系统开发技术和环境 6

2.1 开发工具介绍 6

2.1.1 Eclipse 6

2.1.2 Tomcat 6

2.1.3 My SQL 6

2.1.4 Navicat 6

2.2 运用的技术 7

2.2.1 JAVA 7

2.2.2 JSP 7

2.2.3 CSS 7

2.2.4 MVC 7

2.2.5 Struts2 8

2.2.6 JDBC 8

2.2.7 Hibernate 8

3 系统分析 9

3.1 现有网上书店分析 9

3.2 功能需求描述 10

3.3 性能需求 10

4 系统设计 12

4.1 总体设计 12

4.2 系统流程设计 12

4.2.1 前台流程图 12

4.2.2 购物流程图 13

4.3 功能设计 13

4.3.1 用户注册登陆注销 13

4.3.2 图书信息反馈 14

4.3.3 购物车 15

4.4 数据库设计 16

4.4.1 数据字典 16

4.4.2 E-R图 18

4.5 页面设计与实现 21

4.5.1 整体布局 21

4.5.2 页首-header.jsp 22

4.5.3 导航栏-nav.jsp 23

4.5.4 页尾-footer.jsp 24

4.5.5 购物车 25

4.5.6 用户注册 26

4.5.7 客户订单 27

5 软件测试 29

6 总结 30

致谢 31

参考文献 32

1 绪论

1.1 引言
