


关键词: 前端;后端; JAVA;JSP;SQL

The Design and Implementation of QuanCheng Electronic Shopping Mall

Abstract: This topic is mainly to realize the online shopping function of the user to develop the electronic mall system, which is mainly pided into two front-end and back-end functional modules. The front-end module includes classification management, supplier management, product management, order management, daily sales statistics query , commodity sales statistics query, classified sales statistics query, registered member management, message management; back-end module includes classification management, supplier management, product management, order management, daily sales statistics query, product sales statistics query, classified sales statistics query, Registered member management, message management. The system uses the SSH framework (struts2, spring, hibernate) development framework, which involves the development of the language java, jsp, sql and so on. In the process of development, it gradually overcomes the inadaptability caused by using untouched frames, and after familiar with the framework structure, it encounters the problem that the data is complicated and disorderly and the database is difficult to design. In addition, due to the limited time of course design, this project did not achieve perfection, but in principle the main functions have been perfectly achieved.

Keywords: front-end;back-end;JAVA;JSP;SQL


全程电子商城的设计与实现 i

摘要 ii

Abstract ii

目录 iv

1 绪论 1

1.1 电子商城背景 2

1.2 初步需求分析 5

2 系统的开发环境及技术简介 6

2.1 系统开发环境 6

2.1.1 My Eclipse 6

2.1.2 数据库简介 6

2.1.3 Tomcat 6

2.1.4 硬件需求 7

2.1.5 软件需求 7

2.2 系统开发的思想与技术 7

2.2.1 JSP技术与MVC模式以及系统的基本框架 7

2.2.2 S.S.H框架的优点 8

3 系统总体设计 11

3.1 总体功能模块 11

3.2 系统前端需求分析 11

3.3 系统后台需求分析 12

3.4 系统业务描述 13

3.5 前台用户使用流程图 14

4 系统详细设计与实现 16

4.1 系统和数据库的配置 16

4.2 概念模型设计 16

4.3 平台数据表的设计 17

4.4 数据库建表思路 21

5 系统功能实现 23

5.1 程序的类图 23

5.1.1 产品类图product 23

5.1.2 订单类图dingdan 24

5.1.3 订单条目类图DingdanItem 25

5.1.4 分类类图fenlei 25

5.1.5 供应商类图Gys 26

5.1.6 购物车类图Gouwuche 26

5.1.7 留言类图liuyan 27

5.1.8 收藏类图shoucang 27

5.1.9 收货类图shouhuo 28

5.1.10 销售类图 Xiaoshou 28

5.1.11 用户类图User 29

5.2 程序的时序图 29

5.2.1 订单模块时序图 29

5.2.2 购物车模块时序图 31

5.2.3 商品分类模块时序图 32

5.2.4 商品模块时序图 33

5.2.5 用户模块时序图 35