学习即时通讯协议XMPP的基础知识,协议通信的原理。再使用Android Studio进行客户端的开发,再配合openfire服务器的使用,最终实现了本系统的核心功能实时聊天。
Abstract:Nowadays, mobile devices and portable devices are multi-functional. A number of applications are installed on our phones, which brings us a lot of convenience. We can find out everything that happened in this world without getting out, but with a mobile device. Among all these applications, the most frequently used app is IM, which gives us an easy way to keep in touch with our friends, colleagues, and family anytime and anywhere.Thus, IM has become one of the major ways of communication on the Internet.
This essay mainly introduce about the development of designing a IM application based on Android platform. The client was designed with Java language in the Android Studio. The Openfire server was chosen to be the server of this experiment after the analysis of XMPP protocol. The server serves as a transfer station. It receives all the requests sent by the client and transmits the corresponding response messages to the client after processing. Eventually, the response feedback will be displayed on the client’s UI layer.
In this instant messaging system, the whole design process is based on the steps of software engineering development. Finally, users can access to the system and modify personal information. Also, you can have real-time chat with your friends, including voice chat and multiuser chat. During the process, I encountered some diffculties, overcame them and learned so much about Android development.
Keywords: Instant Messaging; XMPP; Android
第一章绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2国内外现状 1
1.3研究目的及意义 2
第二章相关技术介绍 3
2.1安卓系统介绍 3
2.1.1安卓系统架构 3
2.1.2安卓的四大组件 4
2.1.3AndroidFragment 5
2.2XMPP协议 7
2.2.1Jabber协议 7
2.2.2XMPP体系架构 7
2.2.3XMPP地址格式 8
2.2.4XML流 9
2.2.5XMLStanza 9
2.3本章小结 11
第三章可行性研究与需求分析 12
3.1可行性研究 12
3.1.1技术可行性 12
3.1.2经济可行性 12
3.2需求分析 12
3.2.1系统用例分析 13
3.2.2系统功能需求 13
3.2.3非功能需求 14
第四章系统设计 15
4.1系统的数据库设计 15
4.1.1服务端数据库 15
4.1.2客户端数据库 17
4.2系统功能原理 19
4.2.1服务器处理消息 19
4.2.2客户端处理消息 21
4.3系统的功能设计 22
4.3.1用户注册功能模块设计 22
4.3.2用户登录功能模块设计 23
4.3.3添加好友功能模块设计 24
4.3.4删除好友功能模块设计 25
4.3.5发送信息功能模块设计 26
4.3.6接收好友信息功能模块设计 27