


关键词   深度学习 循环神经网络 长短期记忆模型  股票预测


Title    Research on Time-Series Data Prediction Techniques  Based on Recurrent Neural Networks            

Abstract:With the development of deep learning, neural networks have become a hot research topic in many machine learning enthusiasts. Among the various neural networks, recurrent neural network which is capable of time-series data analysis and prediction has gradually been understood and learnt by more and more people. Recurrent neural networks now have been used in various areas of daily life. This project aims to acquire a deep understanding of the principles of related research topic, and to master the design philosophy and design flow of the related algorithmic model. In addition, this project performs time-series data prediction based on the financial data obtained from financial websites. Specifically, this thesis first investigates the problem of timing-series data, and then employs deep learning toolkits Theano and Keras to construct the long short-term memory model, for the purpose of improving the prediction accuracy to the most extent. Experimental results demonstrate that the long short-term memory model achieves satisfactory prediction results in stock forecasting, verifying the advantage of recursive neural network in time-series data prediction.

Keywords  Deep learning   Recurrent neural networks  Long Short-Term Memory  Stock forecasting

目   次

1  绪论 1

1.1  时序数据研究背景及意义 1

1.2  国内外研究现状 1

1.3  总体技术方案及其社会影响 2

1.4  技术方案的经济因素分析 2

1.5  论文章节安排 3

2  循环神经网络的理论基础 4

2.1  机器学习与神经网络 4

2.2  RNN神经网络的研究 4

3  长短期记忆模型建模 10

3.1  原始数据的获得以及数据的处理 10

3.2  LSTM网络模型构建 13

3.3  LSTM网络模型的编译 15

3.4  训练模型 16

3.5  模型的评估 16

3.6  模型的保存 17

4  模型的改进 18

4.1  特征的提取 18

4.2  loss函数的改进 19

4.3  模型epoch参数和batch_size参数的改进 19

4.4  模型其他参数的改进 22

5  股票预测实验的结果与分析 24

5.1  实验的工具与实验平台 24

5.2  对比实验以及结果 24

5.3  综合小结以及分析 27

结  论 29

致  谢 30

参 考 文 献 31

图2.1  神经网络的逻辑架构 4

图2.3  基于BP网络的时序数据预测流程图 5

图2.4  RNN神经网络结构图 6

图2.5  RNN神经网络展开图 6

图2.6  RNN前向传播图 7

图2.7  RNN后向传播图 8

图2.8  LSTM神经网络模型图(图片来自引用文献[7]) 9

图3.1  模型构造流程图 10

图3.2  LSTM模型输入输出数据维度图 11

图3.3  道琼斯指数1990年至今的收盘价折线图 13