



Survey of Chrysanthemum Image Recognition Based on TensorFlow in Android Application

Abstract: With the rapid development of the technology, the image recognition has achieved a qualitative leap in computer. Deep learning is an area that can make machines recognized image by itself, it kernel is feature learning which can get hierarchical information by hierarchical network, it can solve important problems that need design features by people. The implement in image recognition uses convolution neural network in deep learning. In order to further improve the accuracy of machine identification, Google opened the source of TensorFlow in 2015 years, it is an implement of machine learning algorithm and a framework excuted algorithm. The calculation of TensorFlow can easily move to many system with different structures, it can excuted from mobile devices to thousands of GPU computing clusters. This paper uses TensorFlow to implement chrysanthemum image recognition system named ChyReg based on cnn and transfer the model to the android mobile terminal.

Key words: Convolution neural network; TensorFlow; Chrysanthemum image recognition; Andorid

目  录

摘要 1

关键词 1

Abstract 1

Key words 1

1 绪论 2

1.1 研究背景 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内研究现状 2

1.2.2 国外研究现状 2

1.3 本论文主要工作 2

2 TensorFlow的研究 3

2.1 系统概述及优点 3

2.1.1 系统概述 3

2.1.2 系统优点 3

2.2 工作原理和编程模型 4

3 卷积神经网络的研究 5

3.1 卷积神经网络的优点 6

3.2 图像预处理 6

3.3 反向传播算法 7

3.3.1 BP算法模型 7

3.3.2 BP算法表达 8

3.4 卷积神经网络的架构 10

3.5 卷积神经网络的设计 12

3.5.1 Conv1卷积层设计 12

3.5.2 Conv2卷积层设计 13

3.5.3 Fc3全连接层设计 13

3.5.4 Fc4全连接层设计 13

3.5.5 输出分类层设计 13

3.6 优化网络参数 14

3.6.1 激活函数的选择 14

3.6.2 DROPOUT优化 14

3.6.3 局部响应归一化 15

3.7 卷积神经网络训练和测试流程 15

3.8 卷积神经网络在TensorFlow的实现 17

3.8.1 TensorFlow代码结构 17

3.8.2 图像识别结果与分析 18

4 图像识别在安卓端的实现 21

4.1 开发平台与数据集介绍 21

4.1.1 开发环境概述 21

4.1.2 数据集介绍 21

4.2 图像识别系统的设计 24

4.2.1 图像识别系统的需求分析 24

4.2.2 图像识别系统的工作流程 24

4.3 图像识别系统主界面的设计 24

4.4 图像识别系统功能的实现 25

4.5 图像识别系统调用训练模型 28

4.6 图像识别系统结果展示 28

4.7 图像识别系统测试 30

4.7.1 系统性能测试 30

4.7.2 系统兼容测试 31

致谢 32

参考文献 32

