Design And Production Of Single Tower Climbing Game On Unity3d
Abstract: As in recent years, more and more game development of large network game, the game has been gradually into every part of the daily life of ordinary people, and the unity and development of the game is the most famous of these, this paper mainly studies based on unity3d the game development software platform development of a single climbing tower recruit unity3d game, players can according to your own idea for single climb the tower stage mode, mainly used their language is c # and the type of game for mobile phones in recent years, online games are famous Roguelike types of games, And the style of the game is cartoon type is more popular with the public. So this paper research content includes the present style of game types and the development trend of the trend in recent years, know the character of unity3d, comparative and other similar software and found that unity3d functional excellence and study was conducted in the partial function of unity3d learning.
Keywords:Unity3d;single tower climbing game; game design; C# development.
摘要: i
目录 iii
1绪论 1
1.1本课题的目的和意义 1
1.2选题的意义和背景 2
1.3国内外相关领域研究 3
1.4全文组织结构简述 4
2 游戏开发平台介绍 5
2.1同类游戏开发平台比较 5
2.2 Unity3D概述及应用特点 5
2.3 Windows开发环境安装配置 7
2.4本章小结 10
3 游戏整体框架及风格的设计 11
3.1游戏风格设计 11
3.2游戏策划及框架设计 13
3.3游戏功能设计 14
3.3.1系统用户例图 14
3.3.2系统流程图 16
4 游戏场景及角色建模 17
4.1游戏角色建模 17
4.2游戏场景及道具建模 22
4.3游戏素材导入和管理 23
5 三维交互设计 25
5.1游戏界面设计 25
5.2游戏角色属性设计 25
5.3敌人和物品生成策略 29
5.4物品效果触发 30
5.5碰撞检测 31
5.6ui面板信息 31
5.7场景转换 32
5.8背景音乐和音效 35
6. 游戏运行结果 37
7 课题总结 40
致谢 41
参考文献 42
Unity是什么?它是现代众多游戏生产制作的平台。是由Unity Technologies开发的一款软件,它的诞生使得制作者能够方便简单的制作自己喜欢的游戏类型,像一些三维视频游戏、各种实时三维动画等比较复杂困难的类型,在游戏开发工具类别里面算是一种综合性能力很高的软件,具有很高完整度的专业游戏引擎。它可以在Windows 和Mac OS X操作系统下完成编辑运行,所以同时就可以将完成的作品很轻松容易的发布到各大平台,例如windows系统,iphone系统,近年来也支持了安卓系统。别的方面需要发布网页游戏也可以用一个插件,叫做Unity web player,这个插件支持一些平台的浏览。此外,还有它的网页播放器也被一些平台所支持。正是因为其方便并且广泛的传输渠道,使得更多的人能够自己创作,发表自己对游戏的想法,制作不同新颖的游戏类型。