摘要: 《坦克大战》是由日本南梦宫Namco游戏公司开发的一款基于FC平台上的坦克射击游戏,可以对多个关卡进行攻略,同时也能自定义关卡。这款游戏在当时风靡世界,是十分经典的一款老游戏,也是许多人的游戏启蒙作之一。
Implementation of the Tank Battle Game app
Abstract: "Tank Wars" is a plane shooting game developed by Namco Game Company of Japan. The game is based on the theme of tank fighting and defending bases.You can clear multiple levels and you can also customize levels.The game was popular in the world at that time,it was a classic old game,and it was also the enlightenment game for many people.
The "Tanks Wars" game is a memory of our childhood. The original intention of this design was to move this game to a mobile app, try to restore the game in mobile, let the players recall the fun and memory of childhood playing Family Computer. There is also a certain soothing effect on the pressure brought about by the fast-paced life.
This article first introduced the development and status quo of tank games, then from the difficulties,technical feasibility annlysis ,introduced the popular game engine Unity3D, and then described the game design process systematically from the aspects of game modeling, uI, game flow, enemy AI, etc. Finally, in order to improve the player experience, adjust and improve the code
Key Words:tank battle;game design;Unity3D
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的和研究意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 发展趋势 2
1.4 可行性分析 3
1.4.1 调研分析 3
1.4.2 难点分析 4
1.4.3 可采取的方法和技术 4
1.5 C#语言介绍 5
1.5.1 C#语言简介 5
1.6 Unity 3D介绍 5
1.6.1 Unity 3D简介 5
2 游戏总体设计 6
2.1 游戏简介 6
2.2 游戏流程 6
3 游戏各功能的实现 7
3.1 游戏建模和UI 7
3.1.1 游戏建模 7
3.1.2 UI 8
3.2 游戏操作方式 8
3.2.1 坦克控制方式 8
3.2.2 武器控制方式 10
3.3 游戏AI 12
3.3.1 敌人自动巡逻 12
3.3.2 自动开火 13
3.3.3 敌人随机生成 13
3.4 音乐及音效 14
3.5 死亡和粒子系统 16
3.6 分数和评分 18
3.7 游戏关卡的选择 19
3.8 游戏的暂停与退出 20
4 游戏测试结果与分析 21
5 个人总结与体会 23
6 参考文献 24
1 绪论
1.1 研究目的和研究意义
回顾人类文化的发展历史,可以看出,任何种新的娱乐 文化方式的兴起,都离不开想象力和技术这两种因素的影响,并在其不断的演化中逐渐成为大众喜爱的种文化形态,而其中少数更将这种形态上升成为一门艺术,比如我们今天称之为“第九艺术”的电子游戏,它的出现表明当今社会正在进入一个文化革新的时代。