






ABSTRACT:In this paper, according to the disadvantage of the output voltage of ordinary permanent magnet synchronous generator, the generator structure is improved, a new type of hybrid excitation structure is proposed. The generator of this structure effectively solves the problem of the magnetic fieid adjustment of ordinary motor.

By comparing the structure of series and parallel hybrid excitation generator, namely claw pole, radial type, and tangential type, the two magnetic circuits are selected without interference, and the structure of the parallel tangential hybrid excitation generator is solved.

Then according to the general automobile power consumption to determine the rated data of the generator, according to this to calculate the basic parameters of the generator. Based on the working principle of the hybrid excitation generator, the permanent magnet parts and electrical excitation in the generator rotor are designed and calculated, and the three-dimensional solid modeling of the generator is based on the parameters obtained. After the rotor part design, the generator stator design and calculation, according to the parameters of three-dimensional modeling. Finally, the other components of the generator: end cover, radiator, pulley is designed.

All the 3d solid modeling in this paper is modeled in ug, and then all the parts are modeled after assembly, finally the assembly drawing and part drawings of the generator.

Key words:Permanent magnet; electrical excitation; hybrid excitation;


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外混合励磁发电机研究现状 1

1.2.1国内混合励磁发电机发展现状 2

1.2.2国外混合励磁发电机发展现状 2

1.3本课题的主要研究任务 3

第二章电机结构和原理 4

2.1电机总体结构的确定 4

2.2发电机基本参数的确定 5

2.3发电机工作原理 6

第三章电机转子设计及参数的确定 9

3.1混合励磁发电机转子设计 9

3.2转子的电励磁结构 9

3.3转子中永磁体的确定 9

3.3.1辅助电励磁的确定 12

第四章发电机定子的设计 16

4.1定子相关参数 16

4.2其他部件的设计 17

结束语 18

致谢 19

参考文献 20

附录:发电机装配图 21


