




Design of Trash Sorting Room Control Panel Based on Proteus Simulation

Abstract: With the development of economy and the acceleration of urbanization, the number and scale of cities in China are increasingly growing and expanding, citizens produce a lot of household garbage, the problem of trash disposal is becoming protrusion, more and more rubbish enclose the city, in this condition, refuse sorting houses became true.

This design draws the control panel schematic in Proteus software, and complete the programming of each module, finally simulate achieve the technical requirements of the design. Control panel used AT89C51 microcontroller to control and data processing, Ultrasonic distance measurement as a control panel for measuring distance, measurement part chooses HC-SR04 module, realized range of 0.5m-2m ranging, and alert circuit will remind when the distant less than 0.5metres. The control panel is designed into day working mode and night working mode, daytime have reminder and automatic door opening function, in the night have lighting and automatic door opening function. Realize the communication with the upper computer, can upload the operation data and receive the order of the upper computer.

Keywords:AT89C51; Ultrasonic distance measurement; Proteus simulation


1 绪论 1

1.1课题背景及重要意义 1

1.2本文主要研究内容 2

2 系统方案 3

2.1 控制系统的原理图 3

2.2 超声波测距的原理 4

2.3 两种常用的超声波测距方案 4

2.3.1 基于CPLD的超声波测距系统 4

2.3.2 基于单片机的超声波测距系统 6

2.4 超声波测距系统设计方案 6

2.5 显示模块的设计 7

2.5.1 显示程序 8

3 AT89C51单片机简介 9

3.1 单片机基础知识 9

3.1.1 单片机的内部结构 9

3.1.2 单片机的基本工作原理 12

3.2 单片机的分类及发展 13

3.2.1 单片机的分类 13

3.2.2 8位单片机的新发展 14

3.3 单片机AT89C51的特性 14

4 HC-SR04超声波模块 18

4.1 原理 18

4.1.1 HC-SR04基本工作原理 20

4.2 电气参数 20

4.3 HC-SR04模块电路 20

4.4 超声波测距程序 21

5 PROTEUS仿真 24

5.1 Proteus简介 24

5.2 Proteus中虚拟单片机仿真搭建 25

5.2.1 单片机最小系统 25

5.2.2 自动开门驱动电路 26

5.2.3 报警提醒电路 27

5.2.4 夜间照明电路 27

5.3 完整的电路图 28

5.4 仿真结果 29

6 结论 32

致谢 33

参考文献 34

附录 35

程序清单 35


