摘要: 本课题是为银行机构设计开发一个核心银行贷款业务管理系统,是一个结合ASP.NET 和SQL Server 2014来实现的信息化管理平台,以此管理系统来研究基于B/S模式的信息在线管理。该贷款业务管理系统有机的结合用户、客户、贷款的实际情况,采取各种直观的手段,显示用户的贷款申请情况以及银行的管理员用户对贷款申请的查核信息,解决了传统贷款业务管理方式所造成的财力、人力和时间等的铺张,有利于实施有针对性的管理,同时,也使得管理的过程更加效率化、科学化。
关键词:贷款,ASP.NET,数据库,SQL Server 2014
Design and implementation of core bank loan business management system
Abstract: This topic is to design and develop a core bank loan business management system for banking institutions. It is an information management platform implemented using ASP.NET + SQL Server 2014 technology. This management system is used to study information online management based on the B/S model. The loan business management system organically combines the actual situation of users, customers, and loans, and adopts various intuitive means to display the user’s loan application status and the audit information of the banking institution users to the loan application, overcoming the traditional information management methods. The waste of resources such as manpower, material resources, and time facilitates targeted management, and at the same time ensures the scientific and efficient management process.
This paper completes the following research contents for the implementation of the core bank loan business management system. Firstly, the research background and meaning of the topic are elaborated, the definition of the problem is put forward, and the feasibility and requirement analysis of the system are performed. After, in terms of the requirement analysis, I finished the design of function point and database design of the system. In the end, for the design of functional points, the design of the interface and the realization of the functions as well as the testing of the system are finished on the system.
Keywords: Loan, ASP.NET, Database, SQL Server 2014
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 课题的研究背景 1
1.1.2 课题的研究意义 2
1.2 国内外的研究情况 2
1.3 课题目的和所要达到的要求 3
1.3.1 课题目的 3
1.3.2 课题所要达到的要求 3
1.4 论文内容的组织结构 4
2 系统分析 5
2.1 问题定义 5
2.1.1 问题提出 5
2.1.2 项目名称 5
2.1.3 项目目标 5
2.1.4 初步设想 6
2.2 可行性研究 6
2.2.1 可行性分析 6
2.2.2 业务流程图 7
2.2.3 开发环境和工具的选择 8
2.3 需求分析 9
2.3.1 角色需求分析 9
2.3.2 系统运行环境和开发环境 10
2.4 数据流图 10
2.5 本章小结 11
3 系统设计 12
3.1 系统功能模块设计 12
3.2 数据库设计 13
3.2.1 逻辑结构设计 13
3.2.2 数据库表设计 13
3.3 本章小结 15
4 系统实现 16
4.1 概述 16
4.2 登录模块的设计与实现 16
4.3 用户信息模块的设计与实现 18
4.4 公告管理模块的设计与实现 20
4.5 贷款管理模块的设计与实现 21
4.6 本章小结 23
5 系统测试 24
5.1 测试的方法 24
5.1.1 测试方法 24