






Abstract:This thesis focuses on the course-based learning system based on mobile Internet technology. Firstly, it introduces the significance of the course-assisted learning system, and then puts forward a brief introduction of the current situation of the related fields based on the course-assisted learning system, and discusses the relevant key technologies Finally, the application prospect of the course-assisted learning system based on mobile Internet technology is described.

The system consists of three large modules, the function of each module are: management function module, learning function module and interactive communication function module. Each module to achieve their own functions, making the system from the user's learning process to self-evaluation process in all directions to achieve. While at the same time as much as possible to reduce the coupling between the various systems to ensure that the system has a certain degree of scalability.

The front of the system mainly uses PHP, Android as the development language, the background using MySQL as a database management system, developed a Web technology based on the C / S structure of the curriculum aided learning system.

After testing, the system has good practicality, low cost of development, has a certain practical value.

Keywords: online learning, Android, C / S structure, online interaction


第一章绪论 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究现状 2

1.4系统开发工具及技术 2

1.4.1开发工具 2

1.4.2开发技术 3

1.5软硬件需求 4

1.5.1硬件需求 4

1.5.2软件需求 4

1.6论文安排 5

第二章需求分析 6

2.1系统需求分析 6

2.1.1功能需求 6

2.1.2设计目标 6

2.2系统可行性分析 7

2.2.1技术及开发方法可行性 7

2.2.2操作可行性 7

2.2.3经济可行性 7

2.3设计的基本思想 8

2.4性能需求 8

2.5本章小结 9

第三章系统分析与设计 10

3.1系统用户用例图 10

3.1.1管理员用例图 10

3.1.2普通用户用例图 10

3.2功能模块的分析与设计 11

3.2.1管理功能模块 11

3.2.2互动交流功能模块 12

3.2.3学习功能模块 12

3.3数据库的分析与设计 12

3.3.1数据库的概念结构设计 12

3.3.2数据库的逻辑结构设计 17

3.3.3数据库的物理结构设计 18

3.4本章小结 22

第四章系统功能的实现 23

4.1服务器端系统首页实现 23

4.2服务器端知识点分类功能的实现 24

4.3知识点管理功能的实现 25

4.4选择题管理功能的实现 26

4.5判断题管理功能的实现 26

4.6客户端注册与登录功能模块实现 27

4.7知识点学习功能模块实现 29

4.8模拟考试功能模块实现 30

4.9发帖功能模块实现 31

4.10个人信息管理功能模块的实现 33

4.11本章小结 34

第五章系统测试 35