关键词: 应收账款; 风险防范机制; 客户信用
Risk prevention of accounts receivable
Abstract:With the further development of the marketing economy, the business competition between enterprises is becoming more and more intense. In order to win the initiative in competition, many companies must not only work hard at cost and price, but also use commercial credit promotions in large numbers. However, some companies do not have a strong sense of risk prevention. Under the circumstances that they did not conduct an in-depth investigation of the payer’s situation and correctly assess the risks of the receivables, they blindly used credit sales strategies to compete for the market and adopted credit policies. Only paying attention to the high profit of the book and the problem of whether a large amount of liquid funds owed by customers can be recovered in a timely manner has become the main reason for the increased risk of accounts receivable. In a fierce market competition environment, a company that wants continuous development must pay attention to the risk prevention of receivables. This can not only strengthen the withdrawal of funds, increase the utilization ratio of funds and reduce business risks, but also affects the enterprise. The long-term development is of great significance to improving economic efficiency.
Key Words: accounts receivable; risk prevention mechanism; customer credit
目 录
绪论 1
1.概述 2
1.1 研究目的和意义 2
1.2课题的研究现状和发展趋势 3
2.企业应收账款风险防范的重要性 5
2.1企业应收账款的概述 5
2.2企业应收账款风险的表现 5
2.3企业应收账款风险形成的原因 6
2.4 应收账款风险防范的重要性 8
3.应收账款对企业的影响 9
3.1 坏账损失 9
3.2 会计信息失真 9
3.3 资金链断裂 9
3.4 成本性风险 9
4.我国企业应收账款风险防范的现状及存在问题 11
4.1 现状 11
4.2 存在问题 12
5.企业应收账款的风险防范措施 14
5.1 建立完善的客户信用评估制度 14
5.2建立健全相关制度,明确管理责任 16
结论 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21