摘 要:商业银行的概念与中央银行和投资银行有很大区别的,通常来说,是以营利为目的,是一个以多种金融负债来筹集资金、多种金融资产作为经营对象、具有信用创造功能的金融机构。目前各大商业银行面临着很大的问题,比如说商业银行的经营现状令人担忧,城市商业银行的业务规模与四大国有商业银行相比偏小,这样一来,城市商业银行的竞争地位尴尬,资本充足率低,资本安全难以得到保障等。
ABSTRACT:At present the major commercial banks are facing a lot of problems, such as commercial banks present situation, compared with the four large state-owned commercial bank, city commercial bank employees less, there is a small business, the competition status of embarrassment, capital adequacy rate is low, the safety is difficult to guarantee etc..
At the same time, the development of commercial banks is facing many challenges, the internal commercial banks, the challenge of reform of 1 state-owned banks Challenge 2 joint-stock commercial banks leading the way to challenge the 3 foreign banks have introduced challenge two, the development of financial market and financial system innovation, with the level of the whole country's per capita income of residents increased height persification of financial assets, and the accumulation of savings accumulated gradually decentralized distribution, completely will form a challenge for commercial banks. Three, macroeconomic policy adjustments and financial regulation further severe challenges, regulatory measures more and more severe, the commercial banks are more obvious challenges of day-to-day operations.
In the face of such financial environment, many commercial banks are facing losses or slow development, however, the profitability of Minsheng Bank has firmly occupied the top position , Minsheng Bank ranked in the list of banks financial comprehensive ability in the first. Prior to 2016, in 2015 and in the year of, Minsheng Bank's comprehensive financial capacity were also achieved second, second and third good results. Minsheng Bank set up outlets in 2015 more than and 700, the annual net profit of up to 46 billion 111 million.
Key words: commercial banks; state-owned; savings funds; macro; profitability
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
第一章 引言 1
1.1选题的目的与意义 1
1.2我国商业银行经营现状分析 1
第二章 盈利能力分析概述 2
2.1盈利能力的基本概念 2
2.2盈利能力的分析方法 2
2.3反应盈利能力的指标 2
2.4提高盈利能力的意义 3
第三章 民生银行盈利能力分析 5
3.1民生银行简介 5