

摘  要:商品经济的发展使企业承受着巨大的生存压力,为了维持市场份额,提高企业销售额,赊销成为企业扩大市场占有率的主要手段,导致应收账款的产生。应收账款使得企业财务的风险提高,因此企业需要对管理应收账款找到相关措施。应收账款管理指的是赊销业务,是信贷方(卖方)的商品或提供服务给信任方(买方),从债权债务出现开始,到收回应收的价款或者产生无法收回的坏账为结束,卖方采用科学系统的方法和手段,针对应收账款回收全过程的管理。其目的是保证全面及时收回应收账款,减少和避免赊销风险。应收账款管理是信用管理的重要组成部分,属于企业信用管理的范围之内。四川宏达股份有限公司是在有色冶金工业中负有盛名的公司,业务收入已在同行业中名列前茅,本文首先对应收账款的相关概念进行了阐述,然后对四川宏达股份有限公司的财务数据进行分析,总结了应收账款管理的现状和现存的一些问题,最后提出对策,并提出了如何加强企业的应收账款管理。


ABSTRACT:The development of commodity economy makes enterprises under tremendous pressure to survive, in order to maintain market share, improve enterprise credit has become the main means of enterprise sales, expand market share, resulting in produce accounts receivable. Accounts receivable increase the financial risk of enterprises, so companies need to take measures to manage accounts receivable. Accounts receivable management refers to the credit business, credit is (the seller) of goods or services to the trusted party (the buyer), from the beginning of the debt, to recover the receivable price or uncollectible debts have ended, the seller uses a scientific and systematic method and means for the recovery of accounts receivable process management. Its purpose is to ensure the timely recovery of accounts receivable, reduce and avoid credit risk. Accounts receivable management is an important part of credit management, which belongs to the scope of enterprise credit management. Sichuan HTC Limited by Share Ltd is well-known in the non-ferrous metallurgical industry company, business income has been among the best in the same industry, the related theories are described firstly, accounts receivable, financial data of Sichuan HTC Limited by Share Ltd are analyzed, summarized the status of accounts receivable management and the existing problems, finally puts forward the countermeasure, and puts forward how to strengthen the control of account receivable of enterprises.

Key word:Accounts Receivable; Credit Management; Financial Data

目  录

摘  要 I


第一章  绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的 1

第二章  应收账款管理概述 2

2.1应收账款管理的概念 2

2.2应收账款管理的内容 2

2.3应收账款管理的作用 3

2.4国内外应收账款管理的研究现状 3

第三章  四川宏达股份有限公司应收账款管理的财务分析 5

3.1四川宏达股份有限公司简介 5

3.2四川宏达股份有限公司应收账款管理的各项指标与分析 5

3.3四川宏达股份有限公司应收账款管理存在的问题 8

3.4加强四川宏达股份有限公司应收账款管理的建议 10

第四章 结论 13

致  谢 14

参考文献 15

第一章  绪论

