摘 要:本文采用文献综述法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对周口师范学院田径业余训练现状进行深入调查分析,结果发现周口师范学院没有正式的田径队;周口师范学院非体育专业在竞赛期训练时的教练都是体育专业的学生,训练水平不高,缺乏执教经验等。结合实际情况和相关文献材料,分析影响田径业余训练在周口师范学院无法系统性开展的各种相关因素,有针对性地提出对策,就加快周口师范学院田径业余训练的系统化、专业化提出相应的建议,并为日后田径业余训练在周口师范学院开展的进一步普及提供参考依据。
关键词: 周口师范学院;田径;业余训练;现状
The present situation investigation of Zhoukou normal university track and field sparetime training
Abstract:This article makes an in-depth study and a status analysis of the amateur track-and-field training in Zhoukou Normal University by the methods of literature summarizing,questionnaire,mathematical statistics and logical analysis.The results of investigation demonstrate that.there is no formal teams of track-and-field in Zkoukou Normal University.Physical Education Institute that act as the coach for students of other institutes in order to prepare for a competition,but they lack capacity and experience.On basis of consulting related documents and literature, combining with the actual condition in Zhoukou Normal University .We’ve analyzed that why amateur track-and-field training can’t be carried out systematically and we’ve given some solutions to this problem.This article has also given some corresponding proposals in order to systematize and professionalize the system of amateur track-and-field training in Zhoukou Normal University and provide references for its follow decelopment.
Key words:Zhoukou normal university; Track and field; sparetime training; Current situation
目 录
摘 要 1
引言 2
1.研究对象与方法 2
1.1研究对象 2
1.2研究方法 2
2.研究结果与分析 3
2.1非竞赛期田径业余训练情况 3
2.2竞赛期田径业余训练情况 4
3结论与建议 9
3.1结论 9
3.2建议 9
参考文献 10
附件1 11
附件2 13
致谢 15