

摘  要






Compared with the propeller propulsion, the water jet propulsion has some advantages, such as high propulsion efficiency, strong anti-cavitation ability and strong ability to adapt to variable working conditions, and its transmission mechanism is simple and easy to maintain. Therefore, more and more warships begin to use it. What’s more,  the water jet propulsion are also used for more and more medium and low speed ships.

   The water jet propulsion has long history as same as propeller propulsion. On the contrary,  research on water jet propulsion is slow and has not been applied until recent years.Over time, the number of manufacturers, institutions and universities involved in water jet propulsion research is increasing. The water jet propulsion pump as an important component of the water jet propulsion, its scientific design is particularly important. In order to speed up the development and application of high speed ships and high performance ships, we must pay attention to research and development of water jet propulsion.

In this paper, the influence of the speed ratio on the inlet channel of the water jet propulsion is studied based on the three-dimensional figure and the working parameters of the inlet channel of the water jet propulsion.

Key words:water jet propulsion; numerical Simulation; Speed ratio


第一章 绪论 1

 1.1 船舶推进器的发展简史 1

 1.2 喷水推进基本理论 2

 1.3 喷水推进的特点 2

   1.3.1 喷水推进的优点 3

   1.3.2 喷水推进的缺点 3

 1.4 国内外喷水推进技术的研究与应用现状 4

   1.4.1 国际上喷水推进技术的发展现状 4

   1.4.2 国内喷水推进的发展现状 4

 1.5 研究方法与手段 5

   1.5.1 理论研究 5

   1.5.2 试验研究 5

   1.5.3  CFD数值计算研究 5

 1.6 存在的差距 6

 1.7 课题的理论、现实意义 7

 1.8 研究方法、步骤以及措施 7

 1.9 本章小结 8

第二章 软件介绍 9

 2.1 FLUENT软件简介 9

 2.2 网格划分技术 10

 2.3 本章小结 10

第三章 建立数值计算模型 11

 3.1 几何模型和进速比的计算 11

 3.2 用Gambit软件进行网格划分 11

 3.3 用Fluent软件计算收敛性 19

 3.4 本章小结 34

第四章 数值计算结果与分析对比 35

 4.1 准备工作 35

 4.2 进速比IVR对进水流道出口处速度的影响 36

 4.3 进速比IVR对进水流道出口处静压力的影响 39

 4.4 进速比IVR对进水流道的静压力的影响 42

 4.5 进速比IVR对进水流道进口处的流场的影响 45