

摘    要:仓贮环境对于存储货物的品质来说至关重要,而温湿度又是衡量仓贮环境的重要参数指标,异常的温湿度都会对货物品质产生影响,导致企业的利益受损。传统的人工测量方法不仅工作繁重而且误差较大,无法满足现代化仓贮的需要。







Abstract:Storage places are essential for the quality of goods. Likewise temperature and humidity are important parameters to measure storage environment. High temperature and humidity will affect the quality of goods stored, resulting in damage to the interests of enterprises. The traditional method is tedious and have many errors, which cannot meet the demand of recent storage.

To overcome the above problem, this paper we proposed a wireless real-time storage temperature and humidity monitoring system. The system uses AT89C51 microcontroller as the control unit, SHT15 chip as the temperature and humidity data acquisition module, LCD1602 as display module . Wireless transceiver module uses NRF905 RF chip and MAX232 chip is used as PC serial interface. Finally, the temperature and humidity information will be transmitted to the remote end of the PC, in this thesis, we focused on the following; Temperature and humidity data acquisition. The values are sampled by using SHT15 digital temperature and humidity sensor. The sensor will automatically collect temperature and humidity values and sent to the MCU in preservation. After precision adjustment and temperature compensation, temperature and humidity values will be displayed on the LCD screen, and according to the change of environmental temperature and humidity, the displayed value can change in real-time. Secondly, data transmission function mainly depends on the NRF905 RF transceiver chip. The module send the temperature and humidity data in the single-chip to the remote receiver via wireless transmission and the receiver transmit the data to a PC to realize the long-distance communication of data. Finally, a system based on LABVIEW platform reads the temperature and humidity data in numerical machine and display the result graphically. At the same time, the temperature and humidity values are compared with the set value. If the temperature and humidity exceeds the set range, the alarm will be sound.

Keywords:AT89C51;Temperature and humidity sensor;Wireless transmission;storage


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1

1.2 温湿度监测的研究现状 1

1.3 本文的主要研究内容 3

第二章 系统总体结构设计 4