




Abstract:Bean sprouts in China is one of the most popular vegetables ,it has the very high nutritional value all can produce edible ,all market has long is very good .Due to the business on the market bean sprouts are widespread security hidden danger, all kinds of agents and additives such as well north of sand, sodium nitrite, no root agent, brightener, and so on the threat to human health cannot be ignored, to eat at ease of purchase be abundant “do-it-yourself”, therefore it is necessary to design a small bean sprouts machine.

   This article mainly elaborated the bean sprouts automatic cultivation system based on single chip microcomputer control principle and design process. Bean sprouts machine work content mainly for regular sprinkler, temperature control and scheduled work time remind of, its working parameters should satisfy the conditions for the growth of bean sprouts, on this basis, can set up several more working parameter set, in order to add bean sprouts machine, the function of the yoghurt production and rice wine production function. The AT89S52 single chip microcomputer as the control component design, in accordance with the bean sprout cultivation system job requires seasonable selection of the peripheral components. Use of single-chip computer, electrical and electronic technology, mechanical design, mechanical and electrical integration design and other related knowledge, complete the power circuit design based on single chip microcomputer program writing, and compile to decode, simulation, can improve the microcontroller program debugging process.

Key words:  bean sprouts machine  temperature sensor  single chip microcomputer


第一章简介豆芽自动培育系统 1

1.1设计分析 1

1.1.1设计背景 1

1.1.2设计目标 1

1.1.3技术系统 1

1.1.4系统功能 1

1.1.5系统的工作内容 2

1.2控制元件的选择 2

第二章硬件电路设计 4

2.1单片机的功能特性简介 4

2.2电源电路的设计 4

2.2.1整流电路方案选择 4

2.2.2稳压电路方案选择 5

2.2.3电源电路总体方案 6

2.3单片机的控制电路 6

2.3.1单片机最小系统 6

2.3.2显示模块的设计 8

2.3.3温度传感模块 10

2.3.4外部存储器电路 10

2.3.5发声模块 11

2.3.6继电器 12

第三章软件设计 14

3.1主程序 13

3.1.1主程序流程 13

3.2水泵和加热片工作 14

3.2.1水泵工作控制 14

3.2.2PTC加热片控制流程 15

3.324C02外部存储器 16

3.3.124C02的基本操作说明 16

3.3.224C02在系统中的工作 16

3.4DS18B20温度传感器 17

3.4.1DS18B20温度转换 17

3.4.2读取温度 18