关键词: 水电厂;变压器;短路电流 ;电气主接线;变电所;短路电流;电气一次设备。
ABSTRACT:The transformer is a power station that changes voltage and redistributes electricity. Designed by this selected topic is a 220 kv substation planning and design, mainly for the two 220 kv and 110 kv voltage grade of power to swap, as far as possible choose simple economic, applicable to the main electrical wiring and primary equipment and secondary equipment to accept power is sent to the lines of 110 kv side. As far as possible choose economic, simple, applicable to the main electrical wiring equipment electrical equipment and reactive power device to select and analyzed, the important parameters, such as a large number of short-circuit current calculation, the related protection system on the basis of the design, as far as possible choose simple economic, applicable to the main electrical wiring and primary equipment and secondary equipment to provide general layout plan.
This paper presents a design plan for a hydropower project, including the design selection of the main wiring scheme. As far as possible choose economic and simple to apply the main electrical wiring equipment through for the main wiring design of hydropower station, the main wiring scheme may choose simple economic, applicable to the main electrical wiring short circuit, and equipment, electrical testing, important electrical equipment model is finalized, completed the important planning of hydropower stations.
For hydropower station, the main electrical wiring, as far as possible choose for the main electrical wiring and primary equipment and secondary equipment of short-circuit current calculation, equipment selection calculation, check, the electrical equipment model and determine the careful theory discussion, and other aspects of analysis is simple, it needs to be continuously to explore.
keywords: water power plant; Transformer; Short circuit current, electrical main connection; Substation; Short circuit current; Electrical equipment.
目 录
第一章 前言 1
1.1莲花变电所设计任务 1
1.1.1变电所的规模 1
1.1.2回路 1
1.1.3系统计算资料 1
1.2水电站电气部分研究的背景 2
1.3本课题的研究意义 2
1.3.1电站电气主接线的论证意义 2
1.3.2 电气一次设备和二次设备选择及计算的意义 3
1.3.3 短路电流计算的意义 3
1.3.4 本课题研究的现实意义 3
第二章 凌江水电厂电气设计具体内容 4
2.1主接线方案确定 4
2.1.1电气主接线释名 4
2.1.2主接线方案 4