关键词 智能交通系统、车辆检测、AMR地磁传感器
Title Design of Low Power Geomagnetic Sensor
Abstract:Intelligent transportation system is now the most effective solution to solve the urban traffic jam, intelligent transportation system needs to carry out real-time, effective and accurate detection of the intersection of vehicles. Therefore, the detection part of the system, the vehicle detector, becomes a vital part.
The geomagnetic sensor designed in this paper is based on anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR), which can be used to monitor the presence of ground vehicles. In this paper, the MSP430F1611 single-chip microcomputer is used as the system processor, the AMR magnetoresistive sensor is used as the geomagnetic signal collector and the nRF905 wireless communication module as the data communicator, the sensor can collect the vehicle signal effectively. The geomagnetic sensor of this paper contains two parts: hardware and software. The software is designed in hardware and includes two parts including a sensor node, a receive processing unit, a data conversion unit and a communication unit.
Keywords Intelligent transportation system, vehicle inspection, AMR geomagnetic sensor
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景和意义 1
1.2 智能交通系统简介 1
1.3 车辆检测技术 2
1.4 研究内容与各章节概述 4
2 地磁传感器及车辆检测原理 5
2.1 地磁场概述 5
2.2 地磁传感器的检测原理及特性 5
2.3 AMR地磁传感器 7
2.4 车辆检测 8
2.5 本章小结 14
3 地磁传感器硬件设计 15
3.1 传感器节点 15
3.2 接收处理单元 20
3.3 数据转换单元 23
3.4 本章小结 23
4 地磁传感器软件设计 24
4.1 传感器节点 24
4.2 通信模块 29
4.3 接收处理模块 38
4.4 数据转换模块 39
4.5 本章小结 40
结 论 42
致 谢 43
参 考 文 献 44
1 绪论
1.1 选题的背景和意义
交通拥堵在全球范围内不断增加,导致机动化,城市化,人口增长和人口密度变化。 拥堵降低了效率或运输基础设施,并增加了旅行时间,空气污染和燃料消耗。 现在一天的道路发展造成了一场新的破坏,导致了全世界事故案例的增加为了改变这种交通状况,除了加快建设各种道路基础设施,人们还利用现代的各种科技手段管理城市交通,尽最大的可能挖掘已有城市道路的潜力,从而缓解交通的拥堵状况[1]。
1、 信号灯优先控制系统:美国在70年代最早使用了这个方法。在那个时代,人们是根据每个路口的交通情况手动地控制红绿灯的时间。而后,随着计算机技术的发展,计算机逐渐代替了人工操作。