Design of Intelligent Fan Control System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Abstract:From the 17th century after the invention ,the fan has become one of the indispensable electrical appliances in the sunmmer for each family.The fans not only give a comfortable enjoyment in the sunmmer ,but also cool variety of machines,such as computer fans,heat dissipation of large machines and so on.Once the ambient temperature changes,it is difficult for people to change the speed immediately and accurately,which will cause the waste of energy.Therefore intelligent fan come into making up .
The design is based on the STC89C51,using DS18B20 temperature sensor to temperature, according to the temperature sensor to collect the ambient temperature, first to the microcontroller for processing, and then drive the fan motor to start and shut down. The users can set the high and low temperature freely.When the real-time temperature is less than the lower limit, the fan will not turn.With the temperature rising, the fan accelerates slowly until the upper limit, the fan accelerates at full speed. The design also uses a human body sensor module.When the detection of people, the fan will automatically shut down to shut down to energy saving and environmental protection.
Key Words: fan intelligent temperature single chip
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
图清单 V
表清单 V
1绪论 1
2各单元模块的硬件设计 2
2.1温度传感器 2
2.2控制核心 3
2.3显示电路 3
2.4调速方式 3
3系统硬件组成 5
3.1STC89C51 5
3.2DS18B20温度传感器 8
3.2.1引脚功能介绍 9
3.2.2DS18B20的特点 9
3.2.3DS18B20温度传感器测量温度的原理 9
3.3人体感应模块 10
3.3.1功能特点 10
3.3.2注意点 11
3.5开关复位和晶振电路 12
3.6独立按键连接电路 12
3.7数码管显示电路 13
3.8温度采集电路 13
3 软件设计 14
4.1用KeilC51编写程序 14
4.2Proteus 15
4.3基于Proteus仿真 16
5系统调试 19
5.1按键显示部分的调试 19
5.2传感器DS18B20温度采集部分调试 19
参考文献 20
致谢 21
附录 22
图序号 图名称 页码
图2-1 元件模块
图3-1 STC89C51单片机引脚图
图3-2 时钟电路 8
图3-3 DS18B20封装图级内部构造 9
图3-4 DS18B20测温原理
图4-1 keil界面
图4-2 Proteus界面图
图4-3 仿真图1 16
图4-4 仿真图2 17
图4-5 仿真图3 18
表序号 表名称 页码
表3-1 控制信号引脚功能 6
表3-2 输入/输出引脚功能 7
表3-3 P3口的第二功能 7
表3-4 DS18B20的特点 9
表3-5 人体感应模块特点 11