



Study on the Fluctuation of Capital Market Before and After CNY Entry into SDR

Abstract:RMB formally joined the special drawing rights (SDR) on 01 October 2016, which marked a substantial step forward in the internationalization of the RMB.After joining the SDR, what is to further optimize the capital market of our country, to promote the healthy and stable development of China's capital market, thus to bring development opportunities. or as some people feared, because of the operation of the capital market in China compared with developed countries there is a big gap and not perfect, therefore have a certain impact on the capital market of our country? This choice of Chinese capital market is the most representative of the Shanghai composite index analysis model, based on the actual trend of RMB to China's securities market before and after SDR, using the method of theoretical description and empirical analysis, analyzes the RMB add specific impact on the capital market before and after SDR, to find out the reasons for the differences. And to give an in-depth analysis, and puts forward suggestions for further improvement of China's capital market.

Keywords:CNY;special drawing rights;capital market


0引言 1

1绪论 2

1.1国内外文献综述 2

1.1.1国外研究现状 2

1.1.2国内研究现状 2

1.2本文主要研究内容及结构 3

2中国资本市场发展现状及波动影响因素分析 3

2.1现状分析 3

2.2影响因素 4

2.2.1汇率 5

2.2.2利率 5

2.2.3消费者物价指数(CPI) 6

3金融时间序列波动模型 7

3.1ARCH模型 7

3.2GARCH模型 8

3.2.1GARCH模型的简介 8

3.2.2GARCH(1,1)模型 8

3.3EGARCH模型 8

3.3.1EGARCH模型的简介 8

3.3.2EGARCH(1,1)模型 8

4实证分析:RMB入篮SDR前后资本市场波动的数据验证 9

4.1上证综合指数的波动性分析与模型的建立 9

4.1.1人民币入篮SDR前的数据分析 9

4.1.2人民币加入SDR后的数据分析 12

4.1.3结果对比与分析 14

4.2上证综合指数模型建立的调整 15

4.2.1人民币入篮SDR前部分 15

4.2.2人民币入篮SDR后部分 17

4.2.3结论 19

4.3建立GARCH模型 19

4.3.1GARCH(1,1)模型 19

4.3.2EGARCH模型 20

5研究结论 23

致谢 24

参考文献 25


