


本次设计开发的系统采用浏览器服务器模型(Browser/Server模型),采用浏览器作为软件运行载体,使用ASP.NET作为开发语言。软件开发使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2013,数据库开发使用Microsoft SQL Server 2014。本次设计开发的系统组成模块面向管理员、教师、学生三大角色。系统包含用户、选课、作业布置和提交、作业网页批改和下载、成绩等五项基本功能。系统设计具有界面美观,使用直观,功能完整等优点,可以很好为学校的教学管理服务。

关键词  作业管理  ASP.NET  SQL  B/S结构  在线批改  教育


Title   Design and Implementation of Online Submission and Revision Homework System                                                

Abstract:From the birth of the first Hyper Text Markup Language in 1993 to now, the WEB platform has been added more and more abundant functions, which is increasingly playing an necessary role in the modern life and environment. These schools of playing important educational role require constantly highly about the WEB network technology. Among many teaching tasks, it is a significant constitute of the teaching mission that teachers and students communicate with each other on homework. For the purpose of improving the efficiency of teaching, reducing the strength of teachers in teaching tasks and improving the flexibility of students and teachers in the homework of correction and exchange, it is necessary to develop a practical online homework submission and revision system.

This development of the system is designed by B/S model. The software is running by using the browser login management system, then the system is using ASP.NET as the development language. The software is using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. And the database development software is Microsoft SQL Server 2014. The system mainly includes the administrator subsystem, teacher subsystem, student subsystem three modules, mainly completed user login management, elective management, homework placement, homework submission and download, score management and other functions. With a friendly interface, simple operation, stability and other characteristics, this design can be benefit of the school teaching management services.

Keywords  Homework Management  ASP.NET  SQL  B / S Structure  Online Revision  Education

目   次

1  引言 1

1.1  研究背景 1

1.2  论文组织结构 2

2  开发平台和语言介绍 3

2.1  浏览器/服务器模型 3

2.2  IIS与WEB Service简介 3

2.3  .NET与ASP技术简介 4

2.4  SQL Server简介 4

3  可行性分析 6

3.1  技术可行性 6

3.2  经济可行性 6

3.3  社会可行性 6

4  需求分析 7

4.1  系统用户需求分析 7

4.2  系统性能需求分析 8

4.3 系统技术需求分析 8

5  系统总体设计 9

5.1  系统结构模式分析 9

5.2  系统功能设计分析 10

6  系统详细设计分析 14

6.1  数据库设计实现 14

6.2  功能详细设计实现 18