



关键词  汉语声调  语音信号  倒谱  基音频率


Title   The analysis of  pitch  features of Chinese tones                          

Abstract:In computer science and technology in the rapid development of society, people for the signal processing technology and related application is more and more attention, especially the warmest voice direction. Speech recognition widely general in man-machine communication, people often used the interaction of the software by bringing the voice chat function, you can see that it is analysis of speech signal is an important research direction. Chinese is composed of a single syllable tone language, the tone of Chinese often contains important semantic information, people, through the analysis of the change characteristics of pitch frequency to high accuracy of speech recognition.

In this paper, the pitch frequency and characteristics of Chinese tones are identified, and the characteristic parameters such as spectrum and cepstrum are extracted. This article contains a detailed description of the meaning of the use of important parameters, the waveform analysis of the voice and draw into a figure, extract the spectrum and other important parameters, using the cepstrum method in vc++ language to write a program to extract the pitch frequency.Compared with the existing library analysis, Chinese four tones were Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Shangsheng and Qusheng,they have different pitch frequency variation, the results show that the Chinese tones are affected by the variation of the pitch frequency and tone rises as the pitch frequency increases.

Keywords  Chinese tone  Speech signal  Cepstrum  Pitch frequency

目   次

1 绪论1

 1.1 本课题研究的背景及意义1

 1.2 国内外研究现状1

1.3 总体技术方案及其社会影响3

 1.4 技术方案的经济因素分析3

 1.5 论文章节安排3

2 语音信号处理的基础知识4

 2.1 语音信号的波形特性4

 2.2 语音的分类5

 2.3 汉语语音的基本特性5

2.3.1 声母和韵母 6

       2.3.2 元音和辅音 6

       2.3.3 汉语的四声 7

3 语音信号分析9

 3.1 语音信号的预处理 9

 3.1.1 语音信号的预加重 9

3.1.2 语音信号的加窗处理9

 3.2 语音信号的频谱分析11


3.2.2 语音信号的语谱图12

 3.3 语音信号的倒谱分析13

3.4 基于倒谱法提取基音频率13
