Since the beginning of the era of peace, the world's technological level has been developing rapidly, the comprehensive strength of all countries is steadily improving. At the same time, the upgrading of industrial level is particularly important. Milling is one of the most common means of mechanical forming. It plays an important role in the manufacture of workpieces in various fields. The detection of milling force and the study of the force in the process will help us to develop the milling equipment with higher machining precision to cope with the higher requirements of the milling process, and also to improve the safety factor of the process. In today's increasingly demanding technology, the research on milling machines will focus on the milling structure, so the traditional milling force measuring device needs to keep up with the development of the milling device. On the basis of the existing results, it needs to be studied from many angles, such as the sensitivity and cost of the dynamometer, in order to improve its performance and cope with the higher technology. The required milling forces are required.
We based on the existing research results, this paper develops the design of milling force measurement system through the combination of relevant theories and practice. By selecting the position and angle of the piezoelectric wafers, the changes of the three direction force are observed and compared by a series of calculations.
Key words : Force Milling;Three direction ;Piezoelectric wafer ;New force measurement system
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1课题研究意义 1
1.2课题研究背景 1
1.2.1切削力分析 1
1.2.2切削力测试方法 2
1.2.3测力仪分类 3
1.2.4切削力测量方式的发展趋势 4
1.2.5传感器的选择 4
2 传感器设计依据 5
2.1压电效应的应用形式 5
2.2压电效应的理论依据 6
2.3压电晶组的组成 8
3 测力系统设计依据 9
3.1测力仪类型 9
3.1.1薄壁圆筒式测力仪 9
3.1.2压电晶体式测力仪 10
4 设计方案 11
4.1设计思路 11
4.2压电晶片设计 11
4.3三向力测力装置 12
4.3.1方案1正四边形摆放(45°) 12
4.3.2方案2正菱形摆放 18
4.3.3方案3正四边形摆放(60°) 23
4.3.4方案4正六边形摆放 27
4.4最终方案确认 32
4.5 本章小结 32
5.1.预紧力与量程的计算 33
5.2 本章小结 43
6 铣削测力辅助装置 44
6.1电荷放大器 44
6.2 A/D模块 44
6.3数据处理软件 44
6.4本章小结 44
7 总结 45
致谢 46
参考文献 47