Design of CNC Lathe Feed Drive Mechanism
Abstract:The feed transmission mechanism of the CNC lathe is, from the structural point of view, powered by a servo motor. The X-direction system and the Y-direction system are respectively fed horizontally and vertically. The transmission mechanism is generally composed of a servo motor, a guide rail bracket and a guide rail set, a ball screw nut set and its fixing device, and a work bench. The servo motor acts as an actuator to power the entire system, driving the roller screw, and the ball screw pair converts the circular motion into a linear motion. The connecting block drives the upper layer working platform to perform linear motion on the guide rail. As the ball screw nut couple, coupling, linear guide pair and servo motor and some other components have standard parts, produced by specialized manufacturers, in the design only need to be calculated according to actual requirements, according to the calculation results to select the suitable model. In addition, care must be taken when designing to ensure the accuracy and stability of the feed drive system.
This design starts with the determination of the general structure and overall scheme of the CNC machine tool, and calculates the working load of the servo motor, ball screw pair, guide rail pair, coupling and other components, and carries out the main parts drawing, component drawing , the feed transmission mechanism and general assembly drawing.
Key words:CNC lathe; feed transmission mechanism; ball screw pair; linear guide
1 绪论 5
1.1 序言 5
1.2 设计主要任务 6
2 进给系统设计 7
2.1 总方案设计 7
2.1.1 概述 7
2.1.2 机械系统设计 7
3 伺服电机设计 9
3.1 伺服电机概述 9
3.2 伺服电机选择原则 10
3.3 伺服电机设计计算 10
3.4 伺服电机选择 11
4 滚珠丝杠副设计 13
4.1 滚珠丝杠副概述 13
4.2 滚珠丝杠副结构 14
4.3 滚柱丝杠副计算设计 14
4.3.1 确定滚珠丝杠副的导程 14
4.3.2 滚珠丝杠副的载荷及转速计算 15
4.3.3 滚珠丝杠副预期额定动载荷 15
4.3.4 估算滚柱丝杠的最大允许轴向变量 16
4.3.5 导程精度的选择 16
4.3.6 确定滚珠丝杠副规格代号 16
4.4 滚珠丝杠副预紧 18
4.5 滚珠丝杠副校核 19
4.5.1 稳定性校核 19
4.5.2 刚度验算 20
4.5.3 效率验算 21
4.6 滚珠丝杠副润滑与密封 21
5 轴承选择 23
5.1 轴承选型 23
5.2 轴承润滑 24
5.3 轴承配合 24
5.4 轴承支承方式选择 24
6 联轴器设计 25
6.1 联轴器概述 25
6.2 联轴器选型计算 26
6.2.1 确定额定扭矩 26
6.2.2 测算最大许用额定扭矩 26