Design of Natural Gas Heat Treatment Furnace
Abstract: This design object is a natural gas heat treatment furnace designed for heat treatment of stainless steel. During the selection of a suitable trolley furnace design, the furnace can be pided into sections of temperature, and the furnace temperature changes according to the corresponding prescribed heating program over time, so that the billet changes correspondingly with the thermal system. A 160 mm x 160 mm x1800 mm steel billet was heated to 850℃ at a rate of 50 ℃/h and held at 850℃ for 8 hours. The furnace heat treatment cycle was 25 hours. Mainly consists of furnace structure, burner, furnace lining, trolley, furnace bottom, furnace bottom layout, air heat exchanger, air duct, furnace door and chimney, etc. In order to reduce energy loss, a full fiber furnace lining is used. The design calculation mainly includes calculation of fuel and combustion, calculation of billet heating, determination of furnace size, determination of furnace masonry materials and dimensions, determination of steel frame structure, determination of furnace heat balance and fuel quantity, and design of heat exchangers , piping system design, exhaust system design and more than a dozen parts.
Keywords: natural gas; whole fiber; heat treatment furnace; heat balance
1绪论 1
2初步设计 2
2.1能源 2
2.2炉型 2
2.3燃烧装置 3
2.4换热装置 3
2.5供风和排烟系统 3
3燃料燃烧 4
3.1低位发热量 4
3.2空气需要量 4
3.2.1理论空气需要量 4
3.2.2实际空气需要量 4
3.3燃烧产物系列参数 5
3.3.1理论燃烧产物生成量 5
3.3.2实际燃烧产物生成量及成分 5
3.3.3燃烧产物密度 6
3.4燃烧温度 6
3.4.1理论燃烧温度 6
3.4.2实际燃烧温度 7
3.5一炉钢坯数 7
4综合传热系数 8
4.1炉膛主要尺寸 8
4.1.1炉宽 8
4.1.2炉长 8
4.1.3炉高 8
4.1.4炉底炉顶面积 8
4.1.5炉底炉壁面积 9
4.1.6围绕气体面积 9
4.1.7炉膛体积 9
4.2综合传热系数 9
4.2.1气层有效厚度 9
4.2.2炉气平均温度 9
4.2.3金属平均温度 10
4.2.4炉气中CO2和H2O分压 10
4.2.5加热期炉气黑度 10
4.2.6钢坯表面黑度 11
4.2.7钢坯表面积 11
4.2.8钢坯表面黑度 11
4.2.9钢坯间角系数 11
4.2.10炉壁对钢坯表面角系数 11
4.2.11炉气,炉壁对钢坯表面辐射传热系数 11
4.2.12钢坯表面对流传热系数 12
4.2.13炉气,炉壁对钢坯表面综合传热系数 12
5钢坯加热时间 13
5.1钢坯的薄厚材 13
5.1.1钢坯厚度 13
5.1.2钢坯平均导热率 13
5.1.3斯特罗克准数 13
5.1.4比沃准数 13
5.2加热时间 14
5.3热处理温度曲线 14
6加热期炉膛热平衡 15
6.1炉膛热收入 15
6.1.1燃料燃烧化学热 15
6.1.2预热空气进入炉膛内的物理热 15