关键词: 包覆;模具;加热管
Mold design of the cladding of the door plate
Abstract:This subject had a deep exploration and research on the car door’s cladding. After the preliminary study and understanding of the car door’s cladding technology in the market, the further design of the structure of the mould made the efficiency of the whole processing process,the safety and comfort of the automobile improved. First, according to the structure of the skeleton, the corresponding mold was designed to carry out the edge of the epidermis, which mainly included three large mechanical structures, the multiple sliders around the upper die, the lower die and the frame. Secondly, the mold was modeled by the software of UG and CAD, and analyzed the assembly and the size connection between the parts The software of ANSYS was used to analyze the temperature field of the lower die to determine the arrangement of the heating pipe. After analysis, the best heating material of the die was to choose the resistance wire, it could produce the best effect. Then the stress condition of the die under the pressure of the pressing equipment was analyzed. After a series of designs were checked, the die structure was finally obtained. The structure effectively saved the human resources and improved the quality of the edge of the package.
Key word: cladding;mould;heating tube
1绪论 4
1.1 设备使用现状及发展 4
1.2 模压成型与包覆工艺 6
1.2.1 模压成型 6
1.2.2 门护板面料包覆工艺 7
1.3 模压设备 7
1.3.1 车用微米木纤维模压制品模压设备 8
1.3.2 包边机构 9
2模具主体设计 12
2.1 产品信息及技术要求 12
2.2 上下模具材料选用 13
2.3 上下模设计 13
2.3.1 上模设计 13
2.3.2 下模设计 14
2.3.3 结构细节 15
2.4 滑块包边装置设计 16
2.4.1 下模滑块设计 17
2.4.2 上模滑块设计 18
2.4.3 滑块细节说明 18
2.5 上下底盘设计 20
2.6 缓冲导向装置 21
2.7 气缸选型 25
2.8 模具总装图 26
3模具受力分析 28
3.1 ANSYS软件介绍 28
3.2 实体有限元模型的建立 28
3.2.1 建模方法 28
4模具加热方式分析 33
4.1 材料参数与有限元模型的建立 33
4.2 不同加热管排布方式对温度场的影响 34
4.2.1 纵向加热管排布温度场分析 34
4.2.2 横向加热管排布温度场分析 37
4.3 电阻丝加热简介 39
4.3.1 电阻加热特点 39
4.3.2电阻加热形式 39
4.4 模具支架下表面曲面加热 40
5设计总结 42
6谢辞 43
7参考文献 44
1.1 设备使用现状及发展