



Analyze the standardization of network accounting information disclosure

Abstract: Due to the rapid development of Internet technology, network accounting gradually popularization of explosion of network accounting information and more comprehensive data analysis, complex information greatly overturns the traditional way of accounting work, improve the efficiency of accounting work. Accounting information, as the basis of economic activity, has a great influence on economic development. The accounting information disclosure through the network, the information can be easily obtained at the same time with information reliability, integrity, security and other aspects of the problem. This article will mainly discuss the specific content of the network accounting information disclosure, and from the advantages and disadvantages of network accounting information disclosure, in view of the existing network accounting information disclosure mode were analyzed, and clear the existing system's influence on accounting information disclosure, and then puts forward relevant Suggestions for improvement, and explore how to build a good network accounting information disclosure regulation system, the power of modern sound and rapid economic development.

Keywords: network accounting information;information disclosure;standard system

目  录

绪论 1

一、网络会计信息披露的相关理论 4

1、 会计信息披露具有时效性 5

2、 会计信息披露更具完整性 5

3、 提高会计信息透明度 5

(三) 我国现有网络会计信息披露规范体系 5

1、 内部(体制)管理规范 5

2、 外部(法律)管理规范 6

二、网络会计信息披露存在的问题 7

(一)内容形式缺乏规范性 7

(二)传播方式缺乏规范性 8

(三)缺乏规范的制度保障 8

(四)内部控制缺乏规范性 9

三、建立网络会计信息披露规范体系 10

(一)强化网络会计信息系统控制体系 10

(二)加大新技术研发力度 10

(三)做好内部财会人员的监督和管理工作 11

(四)构建完善的法律法规体系 11

(五)完善网络会计信息披露监督机制 11

结论 13

致谢 15

参考文献 16


(一) 研究的目的和意义

