






关键词  稀土中和渣  煅烧  玻璃固化  二氧化硅  放射性比活度


Title    Decrement Technology Research on Radioactive Elements from   Rare Earth Neutralization Slags                                              

Abstract:With the development of social economy, rare earth,so-called "industrial vitamin", will usher in the rapid development of opportunities. However, compared to its economic benefits, there is no corresponding clean reduction method to deal with the industrial waste residue which comes from the rare earth industry, especially rare earth neutralization slags. In the face of increasingly serious environmental problems, how to remove the radioactive elements in rare earth neutralization slags will be the key factor to restrict the economic development of the rare earth industry.

In this paper, the reducing capacity of rare earth and slag was studied by calcination.

In the second chapter, it is concluded that the calcined rare earth neutralized slag is not reduced by comparing the radioactivity specific activity of the rare earth neutralized slag before and after calcination. The opposite activity is greatly enhanced.

In the third chapter, the four kinds of materials were studied. The results showed that the silica was the strongest, and the capacity of sodium citrate was higher than that of diatomaceous earth. So the next chapter focuses on reducing the capacity of silicon dioxide.

The fourth chapter focuses on the ability of silica and rare earth neutralization slag to do the experiment, through the multi-component comparison found that the higher the concentration of silica, the better the effect of curing reaction, the greater the ability to reduce the capacity, but the industrialization Cost and removal efficiency is also very important to consider the scope, so eventually to find a compromise the best match.

Keywords  rare earth neutralization slags  calcination  glass solidification  preparation of colloid  specific activity

目   录

1  绪论 1

1.1  稀土元素概述 1

1.2  稀土中和渣概述 3

1.3  稀土中和渣处置方法 4

1.4  研究目的与意义 6

2  中和渣高温煅烧处理研究 8

2.1  基本原理 8

2.2  实验仪器与试剂 8

2.3  实验步骤 10

2.4  实验数据及分析 11

2.5  本章小结 12

3  中和渣混合固相煅烧处理方法研究 13

3.1  固相燃烧法基本原理 13

3.2  实验仪器与试剂 13

3.3  实验方法与步骤 13