

摘要: 在电视文化产业的不断发展的背景下,作为最受欢迎的电视节目形态之一的电视脱口秀节目,即使在国外已经发展得相对而言非常成熟了,但是在我国而言仍处于发展中的阶段。我国电视脱口秀节目最早出现在上世纪的九十年代,相较于国外的起步而言是比较晚的,但是电视脱口秀节目凭借着它独有的贴近大众生活,和以轻松的姿态去探讨当下重点的形式赢得了广大观众的喜爱和肯定。固然起步晚,可是发展势头迅猛,大有百花齐放的姿态。然看似花团锦簇,实则问题诸多。节目形式的单一和同质化,缺乏创新的思维能力,拿来主义至上,盲目地跟风主义使得同一类节目大行其道,毫无新意,这些都会影响并且制约我国的脱口秀节目的发展。只有找准自己定位,有创新的思维能力,有创新的节目形式,不跟风不低俗,然后不断地改进自身从而才能吸引观众并且收获一批死忠,否则只能以失败告终。本文将着重论文我国脱口秀的节目的目前的一个发展现状,并且给予切实可行的方式方法以改变目前的隐患。

关键词: 现状;脱口秀;分析;电视节目

Analysis on the present situation of TV talk show in China

Abstract: In the background of the continuous development of TV culture industry, TV talk show, one of the most popular TV programs, has developed relatively mature in foreign countries, but it is still in the developing stage in our country. The TV talk show in China first appeared in the 90s of the last century. Compared to the foreign start, the TV talk show is relatively late. However, the TV talk show shows the popularity of the TV talk show with its unique close to the public life, and a relaxed attitude to explore the current focus of the form to win the popular and affirmative. Although it started late, the momentum of development is swift and violent, and there is a hundred flowers in the air. However, it seems to have a lot of problems. The singleness and homogeneity of the program form, the lack of innovative thinking ability, the supremacy of doctrine and blindly follow the style of follow have made the same kind of programs go the way and have no new ideas, which will affect and restrict the development of our country's talk show. Only to find their own position, innovative thinking ability, innovative program form, not follow the wind and not vulgar, and then constantly improve themselves to attract the audience and harvest a lot of loyalty, otherwise only to fail. This article will focus on the current development of the talk show program in China, and give practical ways and means to change the current hidden danger.

Keywords: status; Talk show;analysis; TV program;


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iii

绪论 1

一.研究目的和意义 1

二.国内外研究现状 1

三.研究的方法 2

第一章 电视脱口秀节目的发展过程 3

第一节 脱口秀的发展 3

第二节 我国电视脱口秀节目的兴起 3

第二章 我国电视脱口秀产业现状 5

第一节 我国电视脱口秀产业 5

第二节 节目内容和形式 6

1. 新闻类脱口秀节目 6

2. 访谈类脱口秀节目 6

3. 娱乐类脱口秀节目 7

第三节 盈利模式&衍生产品 7

第四节 个案分析—《吐槽大会》 8

第三章 我国电视脱口秀节目的特点 10

第一节 节目形式 10

第二节 节目主持人 10

第四章 我国电视脱口秀节目存在的问题 12

一.节目的同质化 12

二.节目主持人的业务水平不高 12

三.话题资源的欠缺 12

四.节目的尺度限制狭窄 13

五.电视脱口秀节目成为了一种“秀” 13

第五章 我国电视脱口秀节目的发展方向 14

结 论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

附录 19