Workshop Design for Annual Hydrogen Reduction Process of 25 Tonnes of Valsartan
This design is to design the workshop for the hydrogenation reduction process of 25 tons of valsartan per year, to write the design specifications, and to draw the layout diagram of the workshop design flow chart and equipment layout. The hydrogenation reduction process of valsartan is produced by hydrogenation reduction using N-n-valerylproline methyl ester as a starting material.
The main points to pay attention to in the design of non-sterile APIs are the accurate material balance, energy-saving energy balance, and workshop processes for the production of non-aseptic chemical feedstock valsartan through the production line of Valsartan. Selection of production equipment to meet the requirements of energy saving and environmental protection. After the material balance is carried out, further energy balances are carried out, and the main equipment involved in the design of Valsartan's workshop is selected for equipment, the diameter calculation of public works supervisors, workshop layout, graphic design, and access to relevant information. , implementation of administrative regulations and measure , three waste treatment. Summarize the existing problems, and further draw the design drawings of the instrument flow chart and process piping, workshop equipment layout, workshop floor plan, and human logistics layout.
Keywords: Valsartan; Production process; Workshop layout; Material accounting; Energy accounting
摘要 2
1绪论 8
1.1一款血管紧张素II受体拮抗剂治疗高血压类药物—缬沙坦 8
1.2国内缬沙坦的销售市场及研究发展情况 8
1.2.1国内市场情况 8
1.2.2国内临床研究情况 9
1.3缬沙坦现在的国际市场和发展情况 9
1.4.2018年缬沙坦行业研究 10
1.4.1缬沙坦行业发展关键因素和发展预测 10
1.4.2缬沙坦行业的客户需求分析 10
1.5车间设计指导说明 10
1.6设计研究的目的与意义 11
1.6.1设计研究的目的 11
1.6.2研究车间设计的意义 11
1.7车间设计研究的内容 11
2车间设计简单概述 12
2.1车间设计资料和依据 12
2.1.1设计的主要技术参考资料 12
2.1.2主要设计过程 12
2.2设计规模大小和产品名称 13
2.3缬沙坦的简介 14
2.4原料及中间体的主要用途、理化性质、规格 14
2.5厂址选择 15
3工艺说明 16
3.1工艺路线 16
3.2工艺流程框图 16
3.3车间设计任务书 18
3.4工艺流程叙述 18
4车间设计生产合理制度 20
4.1生产合理规划 20
4.2安排根据 20
4.3生产的时间安排 20
5物料衡算 21
5.1计算依据 21
5.2物料衡算 21
5.3物料衡算框框图 24
6能量衡算 25