

摘要:当今时代,随着互联网的不断发展,传统的商业模式受到冲击,电子商务发展迅猛,餐饮作为一种有些的特殊的商品,也加入了电子商务的大潮。本文设计了一种基于JSP的网上订餐系统,来满足网上订餐用户的订餐需求。网上订餐系统使用了JSP技术,采用了B/S模式的架构,并以SQL Server构建数据库,实现了用户注册,浏览菜品,留言,订餐车与生成订单,管理员管理用户,管理菜品类别与菜品,管理订单,管理用户留言等功能。经过测试,网上订餐系统基本达到设计目标,实现了预想功能,具有一定的安全性与稳定性,可以满足用户与管理员对于网上订餐服务的需求。

关键词:网上订餐;JSP;SQL Server

Design and Implementation of Online Meal Ordering System Based on JSP

Abstract: Nowadays, with the continuous development of the Internet, the traditional business model has been impacted, and e-commerce has developed rapidly. As a kind of special commodity, the food and beverage has also joined the tide of e-commerce. This paper designed a JSP based online meal ordering system to meet the online ordering users' demand for ordering. The online meal ordering system used JSP technology, and used B/S mode.The system used SQL Server to build the database. The system achieved the user registration,browsing dishes ,leaving messages,ordering car and generating orders functions.It also has user management,food categories , dishes,order management,and user messages management functions. After testing, the online meal ordering system basically achieves the design requirement.It also achieves the expected functions.It is certain security and stability. The system can meet the needs of users and administrators for online ordering service.

Key words: online meal ordering; JSP; SQL Server

目  录

摘要 - 1 -

关键词 - 1 -


KEY WORD - 1 -

1 概述 - 2 -

1.1 课题背景 - 2 -

1.2课题意义 - 2 -

1.3相关技术综述 - 2 -

1.3.1技术综述 - 2 -

1.3.2系统开发工具 - 2 -

1.4 总体设计原则 - 3 -

2系统分析 - 5 -

2.1 系统的需求分析 - 5 -

3 系统设计 - 7 -

3.1 系统体系结构设计 - 7 -

3.2系统子模块功能介绍 - 7 -

3.3 数据库设计 - 8 -

3.3.1数据库概念设计——E-R模型 - 8 -

3.3.2 数据库逻辑设计——关系模型 - 9 -

3.3.3 数据库选型 - 9 -

3.3.4数据流程分析 - 10 -

3.3.5 数据库表结构设计 - 12 -

4 系统实现 - 15 -

4.1系统开发环境 - 15 -

4.2系统首页 - 16 -

4.3用户注册模块 - 16 -

4.4系统后台登陆模块 - 17 -

4.5会员管理模块 - 19 -

4.6 菜品类别管理模块 - 20 -

4.7菜品管理模块 - 21 -

4.8 订单管理模块 - 23 -

5 系统测试 - 25 -

5.1测试目的 - 25 -

5.2 测试方法 - 25 -

5.3 测试结果 - 26 -

6 总结 - 26 -

致 谢 - 26 -

参 考 文 献 - 26 -


1 概述

1.1 课题背景
