



关键词: Unity;荒野生存游戏;射击游戏

Game design for wilderness survival based on Unity

Abstract:With the popularity of computers and the popularity of games, games have been developing rapidly in recent years. At present, wilderness survival game players are becoming more and more demanding of the nature and scene of the game, and are constantly demanding more novel ways of the game and a better game experience. China's game development has made unprecedented progress and great progress in a short period of time, which has brought countless moves to millions of players.

This work is a wilderness survival game. I named it the wilderness for life. In the process of game production, I mainly used the two softwares of 3dsmax and unity. The game rules eliminate the opponent by shooting in the scene for the role of the game, so that they can survive, the player through the control of the role in the movement, and looking for blood supplies to their own blood, shooting the enemy. In the process of making games, the design of AI and UI is difficult and difficult for me. Finally, I consulted my teachers and classmates to solve the problem. The game has a strong fidelity and operability, in the process of the game, you can temper the short response ability of the player, examine the ability carefully, judge the ability, and improve the overall knowledge level.

KeyWords:Unity;Wilderness survival game;Shooting game

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.1.2 课题研究意义 2

1.2 本课题的现状以及发展趋势 2

1.2.1 国内外研究现状和水平 2

1.2.2 本课题的发展趋势 4

1.3 Unity3D介绍 5

1.3.1 Unity3D简介 5

1.3.2 Untiy3D特色 5

2 游戏总体设计 6

2.1 游戏简介 6

2.2 游戏背景 6

2.3 游戏流程 6

2.4 游戏角色 7

2.4.1 角色设计 7

2.4.2 角色控制 7

2.4.3 角色摄像机跟随 7

2.4.4 角色动画 8

2.5 游戏场景 8

2.5.1 场景设计 8

2.5.2 道具设计 8

3 游戏角色、游戏场景建模 9

3.1 游戏角色制作 9

3.2 游戏场景制作 13

3.2.1 道具模型制作 13

3.2.2 建筑模型制作 15

4 游戏功能实现 22

4.1 子弹的发射 22

4.2 游戏界面 24

4.3 人物血条 25

4.4 剩余人数和总人数显示 27

4.5 摄像机跟随 28

4.6 小地图 28

4.7 角色控制 29

4.8 游戏状态 31

4.9 补血功能 34

4.10 游戏声音 35

4.11 AI 36

5 结论 42

5.1 全文总结 42

5.2 体会与收获 42

致 谢 44

参考文献 45

1 绪论


1.1 引言

1.1.1 课题研究背景
