摘要 :随着对外经济的不断发展和市场经济的深化改革,劳务与货物、服务和产品的界限越来越不清晰,并行增值税和营业税的弊端逐渐暴露出来,重复纳税导致征税难度增加,同时也给企业纳税带来巨大压力,阻碍我国企业的良性发展。实行增值税替代营业税是我国推行税制改革的必经之路,也是满足我国经济发展可持续要求的必然举措。企业是国家税收来源的重要组成部分,本文首先简述“营改增”的含义及实施意义以及经营绩效的含义及评价体系,并进一步分析“营改增”对经营绩效的影响研究,对“营改增”下的经营绩效提出有效合理的建议。
关键词: “营改增”;企业经营绩效;经营战略;税收筹划;影响;建议
Research on the Influence of Business Increase on Business Performance
Abstract: With the internationalization and market-oriented economy, the boundaries of goods and services, products and services tend to be vague, parallel business tax and value-added tax also exposed more and more drawbacks, repeat taxes will not only increase the difficulty of collection and repeated tax increase the enterprise's tax burden in China is not conducive to the healthy development of enterprises. It is an important measure for the state to implement the tax reform policy, which is also an inevitable trend to promote the sustainable development of the national economy. The enterprise is an important part of the national tax source. This paper firstly introduces the meaning and the significance of the change of the camp, and the meaning and evaluation system of the performance. And further analysis of the camp changed to increase the performance of the camp changed to increase the performance of the proposed effective and reasonable recommendations.
Keywords: camp changed to increase; corporate economic;management strategy; tax planning; performance; influence; proposal
目 录
0 引言 1
1 “营改增”的含义及实施意义 1
1.1 “营改增”的含义 1
1.2 “营改增”实施的意义 2
2 经营绩效的含义及评价体系 3
2.1 经营绩效的内涵 3
2.2 经营绩效的评价体系 3
3 “营改增”对企业经营绩效影响的分析—以信达地产为例 7
3.1 “营改增”对企业报表数据具体项目的主要影响 8
3.2 “营改增”对企业经营绩效评价指标的主要影响 8
3.2.1 对盈利能力的影响 8
3.2.2 对偿债能力的影响 9
3.2.3 对营运能力的影响 10
3.2.4 对发展能力的影响 10
4 “营改增”背景下企业优化经营绩效的建议 11
4.1 加强对财务人员的业务培训 11
4.2 调整企业经营战略 12
4.3 积极谋求税收筹划 12
4.4 合理匹配增值税进项税额和销项税额 14
结 论 15
致 谢 16
参考文献 17
0 引言
自1994年以来,营业税与增值税并行一直是我国实行的税收体制。作为流转税中最重要的两个税种,营业税和增值共同实施的状态在我国持续存在了很多年。然而,这与国际通行的对货物和劳务征收统一的增值税制度相比,显得不尽合理。它破坏了第三产业服务业中增值税的抵扣链条,而且重复征税问题也阻碍企业的顺利发展。因此,我国从2013年开始对“营改增”进行试点,以免除重复征税为目标,致力于减轻企业税务压力。2016年5月1日,我国全面落实“营改增”,进一步将建筑业、金融业、房地产业和生活服务业纳入增值税的征收范围[ ]。可以说,“营改增”是在我国经济发展的大趋势下做出的税收改革的重要举措之一。