


关键词: 公司治理结构;信息披露质量;多元线性回归

Research on the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Information Disclosure

Abstract: In recent years, the phenomenon of non-standard quality of information disclosure in China's enterprises is still very serious, and the quality of information disclosure has aroused widespread public concern. Research by domestic and foreign scholars shows that the quality of information disclosure has a close relationship with corporate governance structure to some extent. Based on the related theories of corporate governance, this study analyzed the impact of corporate governance on information disclosure from three perspectives: equity structure, board characteristics, and supervisory board characteristics. Through consulting the literature of domestic and foreign scholars, the relevance of corporate governance and information disclosure was discussed. The basic data of Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed companies from 2014 to 2016 was selected to study the company's corporate governance structure. Through empirical analysis, a multiple linear regression model was established to explore the relationship between corporate governance and the quality of information disclosure. Through theoretical and empirical research, obtained as companies tend to focus on equity, expanding the size of the board, increasing the number of supervisors, information disclosure quality has improved significantly conclusion. Finally, according to the research conclusions, the suggestions and measures to improve corporate information disclosure are put forward.

Key words: corporate governance structure; quality of information disclosure; multiple linear regression


一、 绪论 1

(一) 研究目的与意义 1

1、 研究意义 1

2、 研究目的 1

(二) 研究内容与框架 1

1、 研究内容 1

2、 研究框架 2

(三) 研究方法 3

二、 国内外文献综述 4

(一) 公司治理结构综述 4

1、 公司治理结构的概念综述 4

2、 公司治理结构的研究综述 4

(二) 信息披露质量综述 5

1、 信息披露质量概念综述 5

2、 信息披露质量研究综述 5

(三) 公司治理与信息披露的关系综述 6

1、 国外研究现状 6

2、 国内研究现状 6

三、 公司治理与信息披露的理论分析 7

(一) 公司治理理论与现状 7

1、 公司治理理论 7

2、 公司治理现状 8

(二) 信息披露理论与现状 8

1、 信息披露理论 8

2、 信息披露现状 9

(三) 公司治理与信息披露的相关性 9

1、 公司治理对信息披露制度的影响 9

2、 信息披露制度对公司治理的影响 9

四、 公司治理与信息披露的实证分析 10

(一) 样本选取 10

(二) 研究假设 10

1、 股权结构对信息披露的影响 10

2、 董事会特征对信息披露的影响 11