

摘 要:随着跆拳道越来越受到青少年的青睐,参与跆拳道练习的青少年也逐渐增多,伴随着跆拳道发展的跆拳道礼仪,越来越受到人们的关注。礼仪是人们在长期社会交往活动中产生的一种行为规范,时刻都影响着人们的日常生活习惯。然而目前青少年礼仪修养、文明礼貌降低成为严重的社会问题,而跆拳道推崇的“以礼始、以礼终”的尚武精神,不仅重视跆拳道技术的提高,更注重礼仪文化教育的重要性,培养发展青少年的优良品德,提高道德意志,树立正确的人生观。本文通过文献研究法、调查问卷法、访谈法等方法,以淮安市品冠跆拳道俱乐部、龙川跆拳道俱乐部的师范员、学员及其家长为研究对象,对跆拳道礼仪的影响进行深入了解,以推动跆拳道的发展和青少年。


Abstract:Taekwondo as a competitive sport in the rapid development of our country, more and more received people's concern and attention, attracts the attention of many teenagers, so Taekwondo etiquette is increasingly affecting the practitioner. Now teenagers etiquette culture trend, to reduce the moral standards become the serious social problems, and Taekwondo praise highly "to the beginning, in the end" of the martial spirit, not only attaches importance to technology to temper and improve, and more emphasis on the improvement of Taekwondo etiquette culture and sublimation. It plays an important role in cultivating and improving the will quality of teenagers, guiding them to establish correct outlook on life and improving moral spirit. Life attitude and people take care of the world with their hearts, and guide life with morality. In practice, taekwondo is always the will and quality of the practitioner, so it is necessary to study the etiquette of taekwondo. Taekwondo etiquette can not only improve the quality of modern people, but also promote the patriotic spirit education, and also have the spirit of Confucianism, benevolence, perseverance and forbearance.In this paper, through literature research, questionnaire method, interview method and other methods, to Huaian PinGuan Taekwondo Club, LongChuan Taekwondo Club coaches, students and their parents as the research object, and to deeply understand the influence of taekwondo etiquette.

Keywords:taekwondo etiquette,teenagers ,moral cultivation


1 前言    3

2 研究对象及研究方法  3

2.1研究对象   3

2.2研究方法   3

3 跆拳道礼仪 4

3.1跆拳道礼仪概述   4

3.2跆拳道礼仪教学常规  4

4 调查内容与分析   5

4.1淮安市区跆拳道俱乐部学员的基本情况分析   5

4.2训练前后青少年部分心理问题变化对比分析   7

5 建议    9

5.1将跆拳道礼仪融入日常的生活中       9

5.2在训练中要强调跆拳道礼仪  9

5.3比赛中要遵守礼仪    9

5.4完善礼仪教育     9

5.5加强师范员的培训 9

结论   10

参考文献  11

致谢   12附录   13

1 前言

“礼仪”是人们在长期社会交往活动中产生的一种行为规范,中华民族素有“礼仪之邦”之称,礼仪教育在不同时期又得到了充分的重视。在现代,每一位公民都应具备讲文明,讲礼貌的社会公德素养以促进人际关系和谐。将跆拳道与礼仪教育学习结合,能够正确引导和规范学生的行为举止,有助于学生建立和谐的人际关系,维护和促进学生的心理健康。跆拳道礼仪是伴随着跆拳道的产生而发展的。因此, 跆拳道初学者在学习技术训练之前, 首先要学习跆拳道的礼仪知识。跆拳道礼仪课程作为一门思想品德教育的必修课,起着为培养和发展后备人才提供基础的重要作用。