



Design of central air conditioning system of a comprehensive building in Wuhan

Abstract:  This design is designed for the central air conditioning system of a comprehensive building in Wuhan. The design is designed to meet the basic needs of cooling and heating in summer, and to design a suitable central air conditioning design for the people in the building to bring a comfortable working environment. Through Hongye load calculation 9, Hongye equipment design warm air conditioning V12, T20 V4.0, software for drawing and most equipment selection. The whole central air conditioning design includes the calculation of building load, the determination of the air conditioning system, the selection and arrangement of the equipment of the air conditioning system, the design of the air system and the water system of the air conditioning. The design of the comprehensive building of the total of five floors, each floor is equipped with fan coil and independent fresh air air conditioning system, cold and heat sources are arranged in a layer of space, new wind turbines are placed in each floor space, detailed inspection drawings.

KeyWords:  Air conditioning system design; Load calculation; Fan coil unit


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

0绪论 1

1设计说明 2

1.1工程概况 2

1.2室外设计参数 2

1.3室内设计参数 3

1.4建筑围护结构 3

2空调负荷计算 5

2.1夏季室内冷负荷、湿负荷计算 5

2.1.1代表性房间的冷负荷计算依据和汇总 5

2.1.2代表性房间的湿负荷计算 12

2.1.3冷负荷、湿负荷计算结果汇总 12

2.2冬季热负荷计算 14

3空调系统选型 17

3.1冷热源选择 17

3.2空调系统选择 18

3.2.1空调系统的方案比较与选择 18

4空调风系统设计计算 21

4.1建筑内房间送风形式确定 21

4.2空气处理过程的设计计算 21

4.2.1代表性房间空气处理计算 21

4.3新风量汇总及空调系统选型 23

4.3.1各房间新风量汇总 23

4.3.2新风机组的选型 25

4.3.3风机盘管的选型 27

4.3.4风口的选型 31

4.4气流组织的校核 41

4.5风管的选材选型 42

4.6风管的设计计算 43

4.6.1风管布置的轴测图 43

4.6.2风管的水力计算汇总 44

5空调水系统设计计算 53

5.1空调水系统的系统选型 53

5.2水管的水力计算 53

5.3空调水系统的安装说明 74

5.4其余水系统设备选型 75

5.4.1冷却塔的选型 75

5.4.2单泵的选型 75

5.4.3膨胀水箱的计算与选型 75

6空调系统的消声隔振与管道保温 77

6.1空调系统的消声 77

6.1.1消声的设备选型 77

6.2空调系统的隔振 77

6.3空调系统的管道保温 78

6.3.1保温材料的选择 78

6.3.2保温层的厚度 78

致谢 79

参考文献 80

