Jiangsu yangzhou workers sanitarium phase ii architectural design instructions
Abstract:Regional environment has a direct effect on design, a smaller part of the factors effect, another part of factors played a key role. In considering the influence of environment on the design, we need to arrange all the factors, after thinking about all the factors of importance can be confirmed, high importance factors will get more attention, the low importance factors will be ignored. This is essential for a design task with a design cycle. The second phase of building design to design is a nursing home, on the project, it is linked to the issue of the second phase of construction, geographically, it is located in the beijing-hangzhou grand canal, the analysis and solution of design base environment evolution, on the steps of the analysis of environmental factors and the trade-off is the key to the design. Design on the basis of meet the function of nursing homes, emphasis on the influence of regional characteristics in design, through the activity center design, landscape garden, ward technique such as functional changes make regional and second phase of construction.
Key Words: sanatorium;regional environment; garden;
目 录
1 项目概括 …3
1.1 工程概况 …3
1.2 基地研究以及设计核心 …3
2 设计理念 …3
3 方案设计 …4
3.1 总体布局 …4
3.2 建筑单体 …4
3.2.1 活动中心 …4
3.2.2 病房中心 …4
3.2.3 办公区 4
3.2.4 医技区 4
3.3 设计策略 …5
3.4 交通流线 …5
3.5 材料细部 …5
4 小结 …5
1 项目概况
(1) 基地南边是引桥,与基地地平线有较大的高差,不能在基地的南边开设新的出口,包括人行出入口和车行出入口。
(2) 基地西边是京杭大运河,京杭大运河的观景效果是设计的其中一个重点,京杭大运河历史悠久、文化底蕴丰厚,沿河建筑的立面效果和观景效果成为设计的重要因素。