




Abstract:With the growth of wireless communication equipment and the increasing demand for wireless communication, the non renewable resources of radio frequency become increasingly scarce and become scarce resources. In the current allocation strategy of frequency resources, frequency is pided into different frequency bands. Different frequency bands carry different wireless services. These services use their respective frequency bands independently, and they do not disturb each other. This allocation strategy is simple in management but inefficient in spectrum usage. In the traditional spectrum allocation strategy, the spectrum resource is pided into different frequency bands. Each frequency band carries different communication services. This allocation strategy is easy to manage, but the utilization rate of the spectrum is low, so it can not meet the increasing demand of wireless communication service. In fact, the frequency resources are not really depleted. The existing research results show that the efficiency of the current wireless spectrum is extremely low.

Nowadays, spectrum prediction is mainly concerned with the prediction method of channel state. In this paper, a perceptual threshold based spectrum prediction mechanism is proposed. According to the prediction results, the spectrum sensing is carried out in a large or small order in order to make the SU use the spectrum resource efficiently, so as to improve the frequency spectrum utilization of SU and reduce the frequency of spectrum sensing, so as to save time and energy. At the same time, this paper, according to the actual situation, assumes that in a time slot, SU can perceive a certain number of channels to find the available channels, thus obtaining the effect of the perceptual threshold (the number of the maximum perceptive channels of the SU in a slot) on the SU spectrum utilization and the perception time.

Keyword: wireless,Spectrum prediction,Perceptual threshold


随着信息时代的到来,无线频谱已成为现代社会不可或缺的宝贵资源。它目前主要由国家统一分配授权使用,一个频段一般只能供一个无线通信系统独 立使用,这种静态的无线频谱管理方式,简单而有效的避免了不同无线通信系统间的相互干扰。随着无线通信业务的迅猛发展,联邦电信委员会(Federal Communications Commission, FCC)所提出的固定频谱分配策略己不能满足人们对无线频谱的需求。大量的文献证明了现有的频谱资源并没有得到充分的利用,频谱资源存在着严重的浪费。认知无线电的提出就是为了解决当前频谱资源需求紧张而相对而言浪费严重的问题。

但是在这些已分配的授权频段与非授权频段中存在着频谱资源利用的不平衡性:一方面,授权频段占用了整个频谱资源的很大一部分,但 其中不少频段处于空闲状态;另一方面,开放使用的非授权频段占整个频谱资 源的很少一部分,但在该频段上的用户很多,业务量也很大,无线电频段已基 本趋于饱和。于是在无线和移动通信迅速发展的今天,频谱资源贫乏的问题也 显得日益严重。因此,寻求一种更有效的频谱管理方式,充分利用各地区、各 时间段的空闲频段,缓解不断增长的频谱的需求矛盾,成为人们关注的问题。