

摘  要:自我国改革开放以来,新型城镇化、现代化农业逐步走上了高速发展的道路。农村土地流转作为实现农业规模化经营、机械化生产,推动土地资源合理配置的有效途径,对新型城镇和现代化农业建设的发展都发挥了积极促进的作用。周口市作为农村土地面积较大的城市,面对农民自发流转多,行为不规范、规模性土地流转难度较大、土地承包人文化水平较低、土地流转中介组织匮乏等问题,在对这些问题以及问题的成因经过深入的研究分析之后,针对性地提出完善有效的解决措施与建议,以提高周口市农村土地资源的配置效率、稳定农村土地承包关系,促进现代化农业高效健康地运行和发展。


The New Situation and Countermeasure of Rural Land Circulation in Zhoukou

Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, the new urbanization, modern agriculture has gradually embarked on a rapid development path. Rural land circulation as an effective way to realize the agricultural scale management, mechanized production and promote the rational allocation of land resources has played an active role in promoting the development of new towns and modern agriculture. Zhoukou City, as a city with a large land area in rural areas, still has many constraints and problems in realizing the healthy and orderly circulation of rural land, hindering the development of large-scale, mechanized and modern agriculture. Many new agricultural science and technology can not effectively Promote the use of agricultural production led to the economic benefits are relatively backward. In the face of this situation, how to promote the healthy transfer of rural land in Zhoukou City, to achieve a reasonable allocation of land resources, has increasingly become the focus of academic research.

Key words: Rural land circulation;  Land resource;  Agricultural production

目  录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

前  言 2

一、农村土地流转的含义及其意义 2

(一)农村土地流转发展历程与含义 2

(二)农村土地流转的意义 3

二、周口市土地流转现状及问题 4

(一)周口市土地流转的现状 4

(二)周口市农村土地流转过程中存在的新问题 5

三、周口市农村土地流转新问题的解决办法与建议 6

(一)设立监管机构,加强土地流转监管 6

(二)组建农村土地流转专业合作社 7

(三)创新观念,提高土地流转积极性 7

(四)政策扶持,鼓励农村土地流转 7

(五)加强培训教育 7

结    语 8

参考文献 10

致    谢 11

当今周口市农村土地流转的新形势与应对措施前  言



