


关键词: 草甘膦;铜绿微囊藻;微囊藻毒素;HPLC

Study on Release of Microcystin from Toxic Cyanobacteria Produced by Glyphosate

Abstract: Glyphosate, one of the most commonly used herbicides, has various degrees of side effects on organisms. This experiment mainly studied the effect of glyphosate on the release of microcystins (hereinafter referred to as MC-LR). The experiment first plots the growth curve of the algal cells of Microcystis aeruginosa under the influence of different concentrations of glyphosate, followed by a series of observations of glyphosate against Microcystis aeruginosa over a 9-day period at different concentrations of glyphosate. Changes and effects of physiological indicators (chlorophyll a, carotenoids, proteins). Secondly, the change of intracellular and extracellular MC-LR concentration within 96 h under different concentrations of glyphosate was studied by HPLC. The results showed that glyphosate had inhibitory effects on a series of physiological indicators of algal cells, and the degree of inhibition increased with increasing concentrations of glyphosate. The HPLC-measured MC-LR experimental results showed that 1ppm glyphosate inhibited the release of MC-LR in algal cells. At a concentration of 5ppm, 10ppm glyphosate promoted the release of  MC-LR in algal cells.

Key words: Glyphosate; Microcystis aeruginosacystic; Microcystins; HPLC method

目  录

1引言 1

1.1草甘膦简介 1

1.1.1草甘膦基本理化性质 1

1.1.2对植物的制毒机理 1

1.1.3对微藻类和其他水生微生物的毒性 2

1.1.4污染现状 3

1.2微囊藻毒素 3

1.2.1铜绿微囊藻毒素的物化性质 3

1.2.2毒理作用 4

1.2.3危害鉴定 4

1.2.4在水体中的污染现状 5

1.3本研究目的和意义 6

2实验条件 6

2.1仪器灭菌 6

2.2BG-11培养基配置 6

2.3微生物培养 7

2.4染毒 7

3草甘膦对藻细胞生理指标的影响 7

3.1生长曲线 7

3.1.1实验方法 7

3.1.2实验结果与讨论 8

3.2叶绿素a含量测定 9

3.2.1实验原理 9

3.2.2实验方法 9

3.2.3实验结果与讨论 10

3.3胡萝卜素含量测定 10

3.3.1实验方法 10

3.3.2实验结果与讨论 10

3.4蛋白质含量测定 11

3.4.1实验方法 11

3.4.2实验结果与讨论 12

4草甘膦对藻细胞MC-LR浓度的影响 13

4.1常用微囊藻毒素检验方法比较 13

4.2实验原理 13

4.3实验方法 14

4.3.1仪器和试剂 14

4.3.2色谱分析条件 14

4.3.3储备液和标准液配制 14

4.3.4实验步骤 14

4.4实验结果与讨论 15

4.4.1草甘膦对铜绿微囊藻(细胞内)MC-LR浓度的影响 15

4.4.2草甘膦对铜绿微囊藻(细胞外)MC-LR浓度的影响 16

4.4.3草甘膦对铜绿微囊藻(内+外)MC-LR浓度的影响 17

4.4.4单个细胞内MC-LR含量 18

5结论 19


1.1 草甘膦简介


化学式:C3H8NO5P;分子量:169.1;密度:0.5gL-1;纯品为白色结晶,不挥发,极性强,难溶于无水乙醇,乙醚,苯等有机溶剂,是有机酸,任何级别的pKa值分别为pKa1:2.34(20℃),pKa2:5.73(20℃),PKa3:10.2(25℃),低的水溶解度,和草甘膦在水中的溶解度25℃:12g / L,pH纯水溶液:1〜1.9。