关键词: 污水处理;新型氧化沟;回用工程;脱氮除磷;
A sewage treatment process and reuse engineering.
Abstract: This plant is located in central henan province north, need treatment of wastewater from the sewage of the region and capacity is larger, sewage quantity is 100000 m3 / d.Through the analysis and comparison of the water quality and the treatment process of various biological processes, the improved new oxidation ditch process was determined to achieve the effect of denitrification and phosphorus removal, and then degradation of BOD and COD. The secondary treatment is then processed by the reuse engineering to further process the water for the landscape water.The design is technically feasible and economically rational. Due to the improved oxidation ditch technology application, it can not only achieve efficient nitrogen and phosphorus, and reduce a lot of structure of the construction costs, reduce the area, so that means reducing the management cost.
After treatment of water source, the sewage plant can not only be used for river water treatment but also can be used for landscape water, which can improve the environment and the life of residents to a certain extent.
Key words: New oxidation ditch;sewage treatment; Reuse engineering; Nitrogen removal and phosphorus removal;
1绪论 4
1.1 概况 4
1.2 设计依据与原则 4
1.3 设计规模和目标 5
2 污水处理工艺设计 6
2.1 水源水质的分析 6
2.2 处理工艺方案比较 6
2.2.1 主要工艺的筛选 6
2.2.2 回用工程的使用 8
2.2.3 污泥处理工艺 9
3 具体设计 9
3.1 工艺说明 9
3.2 计算设计 12
3.2.1 粗格栅 12
3.2.2泵房和集水井的计算 14
3.2.3 细格栅 14
3.2.4 涡流沉砂池 16
3.2.5 新型氧化沟 16
3.2.6二沉池 18
3.2.7 接触消毒池的计算 20
3.2.8 污泥浓缩,脱水干化车间 20
3.2.9 回用水的提升泵房 21
3.2.10 平流沉淀池和网络絮凝池的组合设定 21
3.2.11 V型滤池的设计计算 22
3.2.12 清水池和送水泵房的计算 24
3.3 污水厂总体布置 25
3.3.1 总图布置原则 25
3.3.2 总图布置 25
3.3.3 高程布置 26
3.3.4 劳动人员选择 28
3.4 经济消费统计 29
3.4.1 直接的花费 29
3.4.2 间接费用 32
3.4.3 成本分析 32
3.5 环境保护 33
致 谢 35
参考文献 35
1.1 概况
(1) 对地理位置的确定
此污水处理及回用研究所在的城市处于河南省中部偏北, 位于华北平原的南边部分、黄河的下游部分,居,东面接着开封,西边依着洛阳,北界临着黄河同时和新乡、焦作相望而视,南边的部分与许昌、平顶山相着接壤,整个城市东西的长度大约为140公里,南至北的宽度大约75公里,其版图的总面积甚至达到7400多的平方公里数值,它的经纬度在东经的112.0°42.0′-114.0°14.0′,北纬的34.0°16.0′-34.0°58.0′之中的位置。
(2) 对人口和发展情况的概括